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How restrict user markers on map only to local?

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Hi masters,

How I restrict usage of user markers on the map only to local view? I don't want global or side visualization of markers.

Best regards


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createMarkerLocal along with the other local marker commands. If you mean while ingame and placing markers, i believe direct communication, team or vehicle chat would be the closest to making an "local" marker.

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Thx Iceman77

but, I explain better: I want to lock the possibility of player to do global markers, side markers, vehicle markers, using dblclick on the map . The marker's player is visible only for the player. I think that is more real that global markers....

best regards

Edited by D3lta

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To render a marker local you need to create it locally as mentioned above. But tbh, I'm still not 100% sure of what you're getting at. It almost sounds as if you're talking about INGAME placing of map markers (dblClick etc).

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INGAME placing of map markers (dblClick etc).

yes is it.

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I'm sure there's a hacky way to do it. To literally restrict markers being local to the person whom made it... instead, why not just use a good channel? Using vehicle channel should render a marker local, even if not in a vehicle.

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I'm sure there's a hacky way to do it. To literally restrict markers being local to the person whom made it... instead, why not just use a good channel? Using vehicle channel should render a marker local, even if not in a vehicle.

sharing of markers is not much real. I think so.

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But if you switch to vehicle channel (if alone in a vehicle or onfoot) it should create the marker locally for only you. So it's not for sharing... I'd use that instead of a hacky work around to make all marker creations local. Using the other channels is to share information with a side or globally. Also, it isn't unrealistic for a unit to get on the radio and let his comrades know of a position (marker)

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 17:05 ----------

I'm sorry I shouldn't be busting your balls, but that's how I'd do it. Else, I'm sure there's a way. Digging through the config viewer can make magic happen :)

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I would like to know how to create a forbidden zone that only unlocks when the player has done the objective.:confused:

Please reply it you do know <Thx>:o:o

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One that instantly jumps to mind (from the other hundreds of similar posts) is that you could set a repeat trigger to kill anyone who enters it. You could then delete the trigger when the objective has been met. There may be more elegant ways. But that's simple enough. :rolleyes:



Size: 500 x 500 //or whatever

Anyone - Present - Repeatedly

{_x setDamage 1;} forEach thisList;

objective script

//waitUntil your objective has been completed and delete the trigger
waitUntil { some condition };
deleteVehicle sensor1;

Edited by Iceman77

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