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Detect if obj is in objectarray

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Hello, I am trying to make a array of objects this is what I have

objectarray = ["sign","this1"];

if(!(obj in objectarray))exitwith{obj addAction ["Move this object!", {execVM "move.sqf";}];_handled=true;};

I want it to make SEVERAL object display this addAction


Fusion :dancehead:

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objectarray = ["sign","this1"]; 

_x addAction ["Move this object!", {execVM "move.sqf";}];
}foreach objectarray; 

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objectarray = ["sign","this1"]; 

_x addAction ["Move this object!", {execVM "move.sqf";}];
}foreach objectarray; 

Didn't work for somereaso :/

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Also, be aware that objects cannot be represented by strings unless doing some global variable look-up via namespaces and the getVariable command.

Give this a read to get a better understanding of data types in Arma, since I've seen you mix them up a few times: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Data_Types

And read this too if you want to better understand the usage of variables (since I think you want to use a local variable in the above example instead of a global one): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Variables

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

So you want this:

private ["_objectarray"];
_objectarray = [sign, this1]; 
{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move this object!", {[] execVM "move.sqf";}];
} foreach _objectarray;

Or, if the array is static, you can make it even more efficient:

{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move this object!", {[] execVM "move.sqf";}];
} foreach [sign, this1];

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Also, be aware that objects cannot be represented by strings unless doing some global variable look-up via namespaces and the getVariable command.

Give this a read to get a better understanding of data types in Arma, since I've seen you mix them up a few times: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Data_Types

And read this too if you want to better understand the usage of variables (since I think you want to use a local variable in the above example instead of a global one): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Variables

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

So you want this:

private ["_objectarray"];
_objectarray = [sign, this1]; 
{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move this object!", {[] execVM "move.sqf";}];
} foreach _objectarray;

Or, if the array is static, you can make it even more efficient:

{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move this object!", {[] execVM "move.sqf";}];
} foreach [sign, this1];

<333333, Now one last question for you, How could I make the move.sqf change for the object it chose

sing attachTo [player,[0,2,1]]; //this change per item
detach = player addAction ["Let Go", {execVM "tools\detach.sqf";}];

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The addAction command has several useful parameters which it passes to the script which it calls, as seen here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction

If I'm understanding correctly that your attachTo position changes per object (if it didn't this may look simpler), then your script could look something like this:

{ // forEach
(_x select 0) addAction ["Move Object", {
	private ["_target", "_caller", "_actID", "_args"];
	_target = _this select 0;
	_caller = _this select 1;
	_actID  = _this select 2;
	_args	= _this select 3; // In this case we passed the attachTo position as our _args
	_target removeAction _actID;
	_target attachTo [_caller, _args];
	_caller addAction ["Let Go", "tools\detach.sqf", [_target]]; // Adds the new action, passes _target as ((_this select 3) select 0)
}, (_x select 1)];
} foreach [
[sign, [0,2,1]],
[this1, [0,2,1]] // May need to change this positional value

I've been programming for a while now so if the above intimidates or confuses you I apologize, I have my own coding style that I cannot seem to break :P

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The addAction command has several useful parameters which it passes to the script which it calls, as seen here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction

If I'm understanding correctly that your attachTo position changes per object (if it didn't this may look simpler), then your script could look something like this:

{ // forEach
(_x select 0) addAction ["Move Object", {
	private ["_target", "_caller", "_actID", "_args"];
	_target = _this select 0;
	_caller = _this select 1;
	_actID  = _this select 2;
	_args	= _this select 3; // In this case we passed the attachTo position as our _args
	_target removeAction _actID;
	_target attachTo [_caller, _args];
	_caller addAction ["Let Go", "tools\detach.sqf", [_target]]; // Adds the new action, passes _target as ((_this select 3) select 0)
}, (_x select 1)];
} foreach [
[sign, [0,2,1]],
[this1, [0,2,1]] // May need to change this positional value

I've been programming for a while now so if the above intimidates or confuses you I apologize, I have my own coding style that I cannot seem to break :P

The postion dosen't change jsut object name

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In that case then this simpler function will also work:

{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move Object", {
       private ["_target", "_caller", "_actID"];
       _target = _this select 0;
       _caller = _this select 1;
       _actID  = _this select 2;
       _target removeAction _actID;
       _target attachTo [_caller, [0,2,1]];
       _caller addAction ["Let Go", "tools\detach.sqf", [_target]]; // Adds the new action, passes _target as ((_this select 3) select 0)
} foreach [sign, this1];

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{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Place Object", {
       private ["_target"];
       _target = _this select 0;
       detach _target;
} foreach [sign, this1];  

For the detach not working? I may have screwed it up?

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// File: "scripts\move.sqf"
{ // forEach
   _x addAction ["Move Object", {
       private ["_target", "_caller", "_actID"];
       _target = _this select 0;
       _caller = _this select 1;
       _actID  = _this select 2;
       _target removeAction _actID;
       _target attachTo [_caller, [0,2,1]];
       _caller addAction ["Let Go", {
		private ["_target", "_caller", "_actID", "_object"];
		_target = _this select 0;
		_caller = _this select 1;
		_actID  = _this select 2;
		_object = _this select 3;
		_target removeAction _actID;
		detach _object;
		[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\move.sqf";
	}, _target];
} foreach [sign, this1];

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Thanks man, I kinda suck with this kinda of stuff :P :dancehead:

After certain amounts of moving it stops working? Update it displays two "Move Object"'s and it will only work twice.. :/

Edited by Fusion13

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