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What function is this, and how do I use it?

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So I was playing some STEAM Workshop scenarios and I came across a cool looking thing.

http://i.imgur.com/mVzFzUO.jpg (201 kB)

I would like to use this function, so could some magical being like Surpher state what function this and explain how to use it?


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Got this from Kylania:

[str ("Some text") ,  str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 0), str("Some more info")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;

It's from Arma 2 but works in Arma3 as well. Not sure if that's really what you are llking for, your pic has this all these black/grey pixels that look quite nice.

Not the same, but maybe of interest: BIS_fnc_typetext

If you want to know the exact function, I'd recommend you depbo the mission and use a searchtool (like Agent Ransack for example) to find that text. It's like google for mission folders :)

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