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What I'll never understand is how you make a game run so poorly.

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I've just upgraded to a Haswell 4770k clocked at 4.4ghrz, 16gb DDR3 clocked at around 2200mhz, 780 SLI to replace my old 670SLI cards and I have the game installed on a new SSD. So my PC Isn't shite by any means and neither was my last PC, however I fancied upgrading from my 670s and decided to get a few other things as well. However despite all that and the game using very little resources, I loaded up the Single Player Campaign and was getting 20FPS. I decided to load up several different multiplayer games and I was getting between 40-50FPS, it often dropping below that and I wasn't even maxed out in the slightest....

I just fail to see how this game runs so badly, yet games like BF4 or GTA V which are far more impressive can be run on last generation of consoles. I'm getting over 100FPS maxed out on BF4 for fuck sake and it's making nice use of my system, it isn't wasting 90% of it.

People can make excuses all they want about this and that, the fact is it's a poorly optimized engine, it runs way below what it should be for a game doing as little as this. The big island is barren, nothing is happening... I've got 64 players all causing destruction on massive maps on BF4 and it looks better and it performs better. How is it that the giant map of GTA 5 with everything going on there performs better than ARMA 3? That's on the my PS3!

It's time to license someone elses engine Bohemia, you wont be getting another penny off me until you do, though that excludes Dayz SA..... and until I get suckered in by ARMA 4 again..... BUT NOT ANOTHER PENNY!

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So...you couldn't just dig up one of the MANY topics, probably within the last few weeks alone about this, read it over, post in it? You had to make your own damn thread just for this?

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So...you couldn't just dig up one of the MANY topics, probably within the last few weeks alone about this, read it over, post in it? You had to make your own damn thread just for this?

Just report the thread for spam, or it will end up as another large fight between people who think different things.

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Just report the thread for spam, or it will end up as another large fight between people who think different things.

Yeah but it's my day off and I figured I could actually post something about it for once.

Anywho, not to be complete waste of a thread, here OP http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169682-the-houses-and-ruins-are-the-mp-problem

An interesting and current topic on what may be one of the larger culprits on bad fps in MP. Post, discuss, share your experience on the matter.

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