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A3 MX 3D Printing Project IRL

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Hello, I'm hoping this is the right section to ask, while this is somewhat off topic, this is the closest section I could think of, apologies in advance if it isn't.

TL;DR version: Is it possible / how would I be able to get hold of the MX series rifles 3D model and be able to open it in say 3D Max / Solidworks which will allow me to convert / remodel for stl printable format.

Long version: I'm hoping to start an airsoft conversion project that uses the internal of an FN SCAR replica and house it in a 3D printed body of an MX (to go with my Leupold sight :D), the detail in the game might not be significant enough in a 1:1 built, however, I was wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction so that I can open the current model in a common 3D software (3D Max, Solidworks) so that I can easily take measurements off everything to do a more detailed version for the print, I have a Replicator 2 which would allow me to print it in as little as 4-5 segments before jointing and sanding, also I have access to CNC facilities that I have used in the past for my hobby for a more final products once I figure the internal compatibility.

Thanks for your time!

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send a mail to dwarden or maruk or ivan @bistudio dot com

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Thanks PuFu, they might appreciate my effort to make a "functional" 1:1 prop of their work to want to help me out! :D

Thanks KrAziKilla but not the ACR nor the Robinson Arms XCR are the MX... they might be loosely based on it, but not the same, also there already are existing replica versions of the ACR / MASADA, one of which officially licensed from Magpul, so there'd be no point for me build one.

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