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Men not ejecting with parachutes?

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Basicly a script runs and creates a heli and a pre-existing AI (since I can't create a AI that will function correctly with created helis etc.) and I set this pilot as group and then on script activation the Heli gets made, Pilot gets moved to heli, Soldiers get put in Heli, Heli takes off then gets moved while flying to speed it up a bit then they get ejected with this eject script once they pass a trigger.

This is the script and it worked on the other team but there Heli's were pre-existing.

; eject.sqs

; ---------

_group = _this select 0

_vehicle = _this select 1

_i = 0

_units = units _group

_n = count _units



_u = _units select _i

_u action ["EJECT", _vehicle]

unassignVehicle _u

_i = _i + 1

? (_i < _n) : goto "EJECT_LOOP"


I hope someone has a idea, maybe adding a extra part to the eject script to add a parachute to the player if at or below a certain height within a certain time?.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">chute1="ParachuteC" CamCreate [(getpos gl1) select 0, (getpos gl1) select 1, 150]

JK1 moveInDriver chute1<span id='postcolor'>

I've been using these commands above, to create a chute

on a gamelogic's position (150 m above), followed by

a simple moveindriver for unit JK1

In your case, you need to create the chute at the position

of the ejecting unit, and then move it in as driver.

~S~ CD

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I actualy found the problem, My Helicopter was getting deleted too soon due to triggers not obeying the West/East Present command if a Condition is set. I hope they fix this in the next map I would like to have a trigger work with Present conditions AND true/false etc conditions.

Thankyou for the very fast reply non the less smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hope they fix this in the next map I would like to have a trigger work with Present conditions AND true/false etc conditions<span id='postcolor'>

What do you exactly mean here?

Do you mean, you want to use a true/false condition in

combination with the triggers activation boxes?

If so, there's no bug:

e.g: you want to wait for the condition: alarm

and for west/present

setup your trigger as usually:


condition: this AND alarm

once west is present in there, and alarm is true, the

trigger goes off.

~S~ CD

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Oh damn, and all this time I been removing the THIS in condition, hmm silly me. sorry about that

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I want to drop the soldiers by parachuting, maybe. How + I am not professional in this game when I am going on a mission I want the soldiers to be expelled automatically
can you help me
Thank you

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