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SLI NVIDIA Great SP Performance (---) MP Performance Below 10 fps!!

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HI all,

After some further research i can play arma 3 sp on ultra at an average of 50 fps with a lot packed into the field of view.

If i join any MP server my fps goes down to less than 10 fps even with 1 player on it. Changing from ultra to low equally yields terrible frame rates.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Play on another server that doesn't run as many scripts/has better hardware/has less players

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Play on another server that doesn't run as many scripts/has better hardware/has less players

just look at his post and word "any" MP server...,

@vampire613, join my server : "arma 3 ranked" and we will see what fps you have. As far I know it s/b 25-50 fps.

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it is indeed ANY SERVER , i have tried over 40 servers some with even 1 player on same problem.

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@vampire613:"it is indeed ANY SERVER , i have tried over 40 servers some with even 1 player on same problem."

join my server, arma 3 ranked, it is up

we can compare our FPS.

Edited by PawelKPL

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@ Bear I have both, a i7 4770k , 8 GB 1866 , 2x GTX 770 4GB , 1000 w Corsair RM psu.

I don't have the same problem with a single gpu

@ Pawel whats your server called?

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server name: arma 3 ranked persistent domination (... bla bla bla)

just type:

arma 3 ranked

I'm playing right now. (my fps 44 , server fps 22)

Edited by PawelKPL

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View distance.

Then, if you're still hard-up for frames, lower screen rez.

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The thing is Ratszo I dont lack the raw power in anything

and my single gtx 770 can play things perfectly fine above 40 fps on very high settings.

Its only when SLI is enabled that frames drop below 10 in multiplayer only.

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The thing is Ratszo I dont lack the raw power in anything

and my single gtx 770 can play things perfectly fine above 40 fps on very high settings.

Its only when SLI is enabled that frames drop below 10 in multiplayer only.

Ah, sorry misread.

Does nvidia have a sli forum? Maybe talk drivers?

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It's the low cpu usage problem .

Nvidia has a working profile for arma 3 . They are very fast with profiles even the alpha had one .

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it cant be low cpu usuage for my specific issue Game_on , because a single card does not have this issue.

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Of course it has. The game for some reason is only using about 15% of your total CPU power.

oh edit* i see what you mean now. Well, actually it can but not in the way you describe. (not THAT severe) .

Install newest nvidia driver (WHQL, not any beta's) , if you already have it installed, re-install it.

1-2 frames HAS to be a driver issue.

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tried latest drivers and beta drivers , resinstalled same result . Its so strange it only affects multiplayer i've never heard of anything like this before.

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Yeah, there's definately somethng very funky going on with multiplayer . I don't know what to say man join the club.

I get between half or 1/3 of the frames in multiplayer compared to single player or running around in editor as well.

It's such a shame :_(

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Try these possible fixes that I suggested in another similar thread:

Check your Nvidia Control Panel settings and make sure there are no exceptions for arma3.exe in the settings (there are both global and game-dependent settings that override global settings). Eg. the power saving setting should be set to "Prefer Maximum Performance". Check also the power saving features of Windows (eg. select "Best Performance" or something like that in the Control Panel power settings and disable core parking if it's enabled).

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had the VERY SAME ISSUE with 2x 760TI's i reinstalled all of my drivers about 3 times and then it fixed it.

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