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[Release] Arma 3 Admin Menu for training severs

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Would it be possible to add a script that controls the time of day/weather/wave height? :)


(My favorite script mod) :)

I'll work on it, I don't know about the Wave Height but Weather and TOD ill work on.

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Yeah weather and time of day is good. It would be really difficult to configure the ocean height system and make it usable in mp. :)

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I actually got the time down (easy) but the weather is a no go..

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i am a part of an arma 3 unit and we need more then one admin. i dont know how to write code but i can understand some parts, i was looking through it and i noticed that it needs a persons UID from the game in order for someone to use.


"if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["76561198083039115"]) then {"


i was wondering if you could put more then one UID into the code and still get everybody with there UID in the coding to be able to use it at the same time.

and like i said before i dont know how to write coding or scripts so could you posibly put it in a comment with just 5 UID slots in the coding.



- SSg. R. Austin [104th C.A.V]


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Can someone help me please I am getting this error

All my files are setup correctly so I don't see whats wrong


23:40:10 Script fusionsmenu\admin\loop.sqf

execVM  not found

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Not sure if i'll get a reply to this because of how old this topic is, but whenever i go into the tools menu there is nothing to select except for exit and it says UNXPECTED_KEY_ID+ and im not sure how to fix this, if anyone has any idea i would really appreciate it!589B83D1F837216F37AB83AC54A870EB1147D22C

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