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Reflector Help!

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I am trying to get reflectors to work on my "plane" model. I'm pretty sure that I've done everything right. :/ I could use the feedback.

P3D Model:



class CfgVehicles {
   class Plane {};
   class STA3_Constitution: Plane {
   class Reflectors {
       class Left {
           color[] = {7000, 7500, 10000, 1}; // Is the fourth value required? I've seen it both ways in the allInOne.cpp
           ambient[] = {100, 100, 100, 1};
           position = "Light_L";
           direction = "Light_L_end";
           hitpoint = "Light_L";
           selection = "Light_L";
           size = 1;
           innerAngle = 20;
           outerAngle = 60;
           coneFadeCoef = 10;
           intensity = 1000000000; // Testing with extreme values in the hope to see something.
           useFlare = 1;
           dayLight = 1;
           FlareSize = 1;

           class Attenuation {
               start = 1;
               constant = 0;
               linear = 0;
               quadratic = 4;

I'm at a loss as to what's going on. I've looked through the forums and at the other thread with the dev replies, but I can't seem to figure it out.

Any input?


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well maybe i am missing it with your .... but you have flare pos but not in the config , it should go from ( in your case) top down light_l_flare > Light_l > Light_l_end

and in config for flare

class Left2: Left


position = "light_L_flare";

useFlare = 1;


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I was under the impression that Left2 was meant for a second headlight. Even with a misconfigured flare, I should see lights coming on at least, no? I'd think that the flare would be the only thing missing...

Anyway, I've configured it the way you've said (http://pastebin.com/RWhGNkPK), and moved the flare point to be the top one, but it still doesn't work.


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well here is actual config from bis so i would try that first and emliminate as necessary after that to be honest.

as you see there are subtle differences that could plausibly be the reson your light doesnt work, aggregate part of config and the omission of a hardLimitStart = 30;hardLimitEnd = 60; and Bis as you say seemingly configging 2 lights via 3 points but im not ssure there is a sidelight main beam is there or ? however obviously because of limited insight its as always trial and error .

class Reflectors


class Left


color[] = {1900,1800,1700};

ambient[] = {5,5,5};

position = "Light_L";

direction = "Light_L_end";

hitpoint = "Light_L";

selection = "Light_L";

size = 1;

innerAngle = 100;

outerAngle = 179;

coneFadeCoef = 10;

intensity = 1;

useFlare = 0;

dayLight = 0;

flareSize = 1;

class Attenuation


start = 1;

constant = 0;

linear = 0;

quadratic = 0.25;

hardLimitStart = 30;

hardLimitEnd = 60;



class Right: Left


position = "Light_R";

direction = "Light_R_end";

hitpoint = "Light_R";

selection = "Light_R";


class Right2: Right


position = "light_R_flare";

useFlare = 1;


class Left2: Left


position = "light_L_flare";

useFlare = 1;



aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left","Left2","Right","Right2"}};

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Blergh...that config didn't work either (I got rid of the "right" stuff and kept the left).

I'm not sure how it is that I'm fucking up something so small, since I saw that the F18 model has working lights on its landing gear. My config has been identical to theirs at some point.

Could it be that I've fucked something up on my model instead of my config?


[PS: I'm starting to agree with [APS]Gnat that we need an airplane sample too.]

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well obviously lights consist of planes in the model res lod and entries in the sections of the model cfg too of course .

i am remembering now you are trying to light like a Cabin maybe , maybe its this what is different for you and in this case the whole flare thing is not necessary , i have a plane from A2 i will try some things see if i can clarify also in A3 .

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Right...so the plane in the res lod is just supposed to be a white texture with emissive RVMAT applied.

I think model.cfg is the part that I'm missing. It's actually the first time I've tried setting this up, so I may be messing it up. Do you have any further info? (I looked on the forums and the wiki before posting this, but saw no info.)

Also, I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be able to light up the cabin separately from the model itself, but the first step is to get the light working. ;)

By the way, thanks a lot for the feedback...I'm pretty much all out of ideas here.


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Not in front of my computer, but I think for inheriting critical parent info there's a real difference between;

Class Plane{};


Class Plane;

I only ever use the later.

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So the strange part is that I created a new addon (just a box model) and stripped my existing config of all superfluous entries, and the damn thing worked. I have no clue what the heck the difference between both addons are, so I'll maybe try to start from scratch on my starship.

Thanks for all the feedback, folks.


Edit: So, turns out that I probably had it working all along. The reason it wouldn't show is because my damn airplane was flying. I put the gear down, and suddenly, LET THERE BE LIGHT! Which leads me to my next question: Can an airplane have reflectors on when flying without dependency to the landing gear?

Edited by Abs

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Gnat;2570369']how about

That's a good one...learn something new everyday around these parts. :) Thanks all!


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