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2FPS in Campaign stratis forest but not in Altis forest

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Im not sure why but in the campaign in the forest parts I go from 30 FPS to 2-4 FPS, setting everything to low only increases FPS by 1-2 going to 5 FPS the only way to fix is to change the resolution to 87% which will bring it up a huge 15-20 FPS! Meanwhile in editer mode it drops by about 10fps with infantry battles and in Altis it drops by about 5FPS, and more with battles which is still a lot less than stratis and even more than the campaign.

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My specs aren't that good, but I don't understand why it is the trees on stratis msotly during the campaign and the only thing that increases FPS is decreasing the resoloution, anything else doesn't do nothing when it should do.

GPU:HD 4670 1GB DDR3, 4GB ram, Intel G630

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My specs aren't that good, but I don't understand why it is the trees on stratis msotly during the campaign and the only thing that increases FPS is decreasing the resoloution, anything else doesn't do nothing when it should do.

GPU:HD 4670 1GB DDR3, 4GB ram, Intel G630

I am sure you could find lots of places for verylow FPS. A HD 4670 1GB DDR3, is not a lowend card its a bottom feeder. And along with a script heavy mission, your Card is a bottleneck and hangs the whole system up. And like you said "only lowering the rez...", which is reducing the bottleneck some helps. You can post all of your in game settings and your CCC settings, so we can help tune it for you, But running a display resolution over 1024/768 is too much. 1GB of slow DDR3 Vram. But then are you actually using your AMD card? Not the Intel gpu? Both are too slow anyways. Campaigns are notorious for heavy script usage.

Is this a Laptop? and what is the size of your Display?

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I can get 30 FPS while looking at land, but the moment I look at the water, my FPS drops to 15. All the time, everywhere I look at water!

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I can get 30 FPS while looking at land, but the moment I look at the water, my FPS drops to 15. All the time, everywhere I look at water!

And without posting your full specs and settings, there is no way anyone can help you.

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And without posting your full specs and settings, there is no way anyone can help you.

No need to post my full specs, because I know it's my GPU bottlenecking. I have an ATI Radeon 4650 1 GB graphics card. Not sure why A3 is the only game where water causes such a radical FPS drop for me, but I wish there was a way to lower water quality.

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so it must be scripts then, I play on a desktop at about 1200x1050 I never expected great performance but I have no idea how you can get a 30FPS drop just by looking at mroe than 5 trees in the campaign and yet not in normal editing even with mroe units and battles.

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Dropping object detail to Low helps in those scenes.

I see that zooming a scope at trees filling the scene.

Low detail helps alot.

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I don't mind the low FPS but im saying that there must be something going on in the trees on stratis for it suddenly go to 2 FPS with everything on the lowest possible, the only fix being res. As I can play 20 FPS in a medium sized battle in the wooded area of Altis but on stratis and especially the campaign its a no go, and I think it must be more than just the system because its just the trees on stratis mainly on the campaign, meanwhile in the Beta I had no such problem.

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Campaign is a scripted mission, and since you can replicate it at the same spot each time, could it be a trigger point, bad script?

Does lowering view distance help?

May want to cross-post this in the 'OFFICIAL MISSIONS' section.

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Yeah it happens just when I look at the forest area, I can not even be in the forest but as soon as i look at it the FPS drops, even view distance doesn't affect it on the resoloution.

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