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Fire has no sound

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I've noticed that fire has no sound, no matter wether I add the fire via script or it is generated via the engine (destroyed vehicles e.g.).

Are there any burning sounds in arma 3? If so, might anyone share some insight of how to add them in a mission?

If not, can anyone share some sound samples of a burning fire which I can use?

Kind regards


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Hi Mattar_Tharkari,

thank you very much, that solved my problem or at least it pointed me in the right direction :)

For those who wanna know, this is how I did it in the end:

1. I've Downloaded the Sound Sample Mattar_Tharkari linked and converted it into ogg and moved it into the mission folder.

2. I added the following lines to Description.ext:

class CfgSFX {
sounds[] = {};
class fx_well {name = "fx_fire";sounds[]={sound1};sound1[]={"47835__tc630__fire2.ogg",[color="#FF0000"]3[/color],1,50,1,0,0,0};empty[]= {"",0,0,0,0,0,0,0};};
class CfgSounds {
sounds[] = {};
class NoSound {name = "NoSound";sound[] = {"", 0, 1};titles[] = {};}; //Dummy sound needed for setSoundEffect command, due to stupid bug in engine.

Note: The red number is for sound volume.

3. I added a Trigger around the fireplace with a trigger radius of 50 and BLUFOR Present as condition

4. On the effects page of the trigger, I changed the Trigger selectbox to fx_fire (you need to have declared the CFGSFX as mentioned in step 2. and reload your mission in the editor for the value to show up.

5. I changed the trigger to repeatedly for the sound to play in an innfinit loop, as long as a blufor soldier (player) is around.

Works great and the sample provided sounds pretty good.



Edited by Raskil

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