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[PoC] Adrenaline Boost Under Fire

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Something that happens to me often in Arma is, after I have been holding shift for like all the time, my player is tired as shit, can't run very fast and I feel like a sitting duck when bullets start flying around. So I started thinking, what would happen in real life, if someone fires at you, even if you are tired, I guess I would be so scared I would run even faster than if fully rested.

So I put together this quick proof of concept to test it, I guess there are better ways to detect bullets flying near the player and no doubt there's room for improvement, but it's just a PoC.

What it does is, when an enemy fires at you (or very close to you), it will give you an "adrenaline boost" that will allow you to run at full speed for a few seconds so you can get to the nearest cover.

// Adrenaline Boost Under Fire
if( ( side _x) getFriend ( side player ) < 0.6 ) then { // check if unit is enemy
	_x addEventHandler ["Fired", { 
		_null = _this spawn { // need to use spawn because suspension doesn't work inside event handler scope
			_bullet = _this select 6;
				if( isNull _bullet ) exitWith { true };
				if( ( _bullet distance player ) < 5 ) then { // if bullet pass by near player, don't know what's the "magic number" here, 5 seems to work
					_oldFatigue = getFatigue player; // store current fatigue level
					player setFatigue 0; // disable fatigue so player can run faster
					sleep 5; 
					player setFatigue _oldFatigue; // 5 seconds later restore old fatigue level
} forEach allUnits;

Some notes/ToDos/ideas about this:

  • The adrenaline boost should be executed once every X, otherwise the player will have unlimited full speed while enemy is firing at him
  • Since equipment weight also influence player speed, it may be good to find a way to overcome that weight and get full speed while the adrenaline boost is active
  • Use some ppEffects to visually show the adrenaline boost is happening

Here's a short video showing what it does:

(sorry about the quality, my internet upload is speed is so bad it took me more than an hour just to upload this, so imagine if I made it hd)

If someone has more ideas or suggestions about this I'd love to hear them.

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it looks promising! great job, that's what will really happen IRL!

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Maybe you should use a firednear eventhandler instead?

Though about it but I didn't use it because on the wiki page I saw this:

distance: Number - Distance in meters between the unit and firer (max. distance ~69m)

69 seems like a pretty low number, irl I would still shit my pants if I get fired at from 300mts. Plus someone can fire next to you but in the opposite direction, so I think calculating the bullet distance to the player is the best method.

Edited by wok

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