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Trouble with Panther, Cheetah and the Bobcat.

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Does anyone know why I cant retexture these 3 vehicles? Using setobjecttexture it fails to load any texture onto them. I have seen that other people have managed to retexture the Bobcat atleast, So I was wondering if someone could please help me out with this.

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Took a quick look at the Panther and Cheetah models, they appear to have the selections present (camo1,camo2,camo3). So I would assume they would work the same as anything else.

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Took a quick look at the Panther and Cheetah models, they appear to have the selections present (camo1,camo2,camo3). So I would assume they would work the same as anything else.

yes me too. However once trying to apply the textures on these 3 vehicles it does not seem to want to show it.

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I believe you. Perhaps it's still broken in Stable. From reading the ticket last night ProGamer linked, I 'assume' it's currently fixed in the DEV branch. Could also be totally broken there still also I suppose. (you might know!)

I apologize, as I am really disappointed that this was even an issue in the first place. My expectation level of what 'quality' should include has been lowered. I'll fiddle with it when I back to the hole in a bit. I imagine it's just broken though, not really mystical in how it works.

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This issue is what got me into modding via a Config.cpp file and not via the editor etc. I have modded all the above vehicles without any issues (even when destroyed / respawn) they still have their modified textures. If you need to, check out the Tac-Ops mod and look at the configs. (not a shameless plug)

My only issues with these configs is that I cannot seem to access the vehicle interiors (rear) for re-texturing. But that's for another thread.


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