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Attach marker to unit with timed query

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Hi guys,

I am trying to make a TVT Escape Altis version. So far so good.

But I dont want the CSAT Players to search in the haystack. So I tried to add a marker / zone to the group leader which transmitts every 240 seconds the last position of the NATO Group Leader.

However, it doesnt work.

Group Leader Name: p1

Marker in Red: Marker_CP1

I put down in the init.sqf

[] spawn {

while{not isnull p1} do {"Marker_CP1" setmarkerpos getpos P1; sleep 240.0;};


So it looks some kind like that:

private ["_useRevive"];

private ["_volume", "_dynamicWeather", "_isJipPlayer"];

private ["_showIntro", "_showPlayerMapAndCompass", "_fog", "_playerIsImmortal", "_playersEnteredWorld"];

call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf";

[] spawn {

while{not isnull p1} do {"Marker_CP1" setmarkerpos getpos P1; sleep 240.0;};


addHijackAction =


private ["_object", "_screenMsg", "_scriptToCall"];

_object = _this select 0;

_screenMsg = _this select 1;

_scriptToCall = _this select 2;

if (isNull _object) exitWith {};

_object addaction [_screenMsg, _scriptToCall, [], 1.5, true, false, "", "_this distance _target <= 3"];


The marker remains on the position where I placed it on the editor map :(

Probably I am doing it totally wrong, but I hope one of you might help me!




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_marker = createMarker["Marker_CP1",getPos P1];
"Marker_CP1" setMarkerShape "ICON";
"Marker_CP1" setMarkerType "hd_objective";
"Marker_CP1" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"Marker_CP1" setMarkerText "Any Text Here";
"Marker_CP1" setMarkerAlpha 1;
[] spawn {
while{not isnull P1} do {"Marker_CP1" setMarkerPos getPos P1; sleep 240;};

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Thanks mate, I will try it out.

But I guess I found another problem, beside the marker, which is way more servere :(

We tried to play, but some kind of scripts put CSAT Soldiers (when played by Humans) also in the Prison :D This makes the bounty kinda useless - haha But so far I couldnt figure out which one it is...

Edited by geestyleed

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