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ACE Wasteland need help with spawn issue

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Hey guys,

So, I have been busy working on combining the 404 wasteland mission with ACE and ACRE. I wanted to test my tweaks but everytime I spawn when self hosting to simulate a server, I spawn in the same place and 300+m in the air to fall to my death. Can anyone help me figure out the issue? Here is the file folder everything is stored in.


I really only made changes to the mission file and the config file(to add stuff to the gun store)

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Random questions as I'm not familiar with Wasteland... and I'm not near my gaming computer to check it out :p

- are you using a revive script other than what's included in ACE?

- are you testing on a dedicated or hosted server?

- where are you spawning in? at the respawn_west marker or somewhere else like [0,0] on the map?

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i'm not aware of a revive script. respawn yes, revive no.

description.ext contains this for respawn/

#include "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h"

loadScreen = "Loading.jpg";





enableItemsDropping = 0;

class Header






//Dialog includes

#include "client\systems\common.hpp"

#include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\player_settings.hpp"

#include "client\systems\groups\dialog\groupManagement.hpp"

#include "client\systems\gunStore\dialog\gunshop_settings.hpp"

#include "client\systems\gunStore\dialog\gunshop_ConfirmSell.hpp"

#include "client\systems\generalStore\dialog\genstore_settings.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\adminMenu.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\modMenu.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\serverAdminMenu.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\debugMenu.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\playerMenu.hpp"

#include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\VehicleManagement.hpp"

#include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\respawn_dialog.hpp"

#include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\teamkill_dialog.hpp"

#include "addons\proving_ground\PG_config.hpp"

class RscTitles {

#include "addons\proving_ground\PG_rsctitles.hpp"

#include "client\systems\hud\dialog\hud.hpp"

#include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\welcome.hpp"

#include "client\systems\newicons.hpp"


class CfgSounds {

sounds[] = {};


I test on my machine through arma 2 and on a remote dedicated server.

playersetup.sqf has this

// @file Version: 1.0

// @file Name: playerSetup.sqf

// @file Author: [404] Deadbeat

// @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19

// @file Args:

_player = _this;

//Player initialization

_player setskill 0;

{_player disableAI _x} foreach ["move","anim","target","autotarget"];

_player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];

enableSentences false;

_player removeWeapon "ItemRadio";

_player removeWeapon "ItemGPS";

removeAllWeapons _player;

removeBackpack _player;

//Default case means something fucked up.

_player addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP";

_player addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP";

_player addWeapon "revolver_gold_EP1";

_player selectWeapon "revolver_gold_EP1";

if(str(playerSide) in ["WEST"]) then


removeAllWeapons _player;

_player addMagazine "7Rnd_45ACP_1911";

_player addMagazine "7Rnd_45ACP_1911";

_player addWeapon "Colt1911";

_player selectWeapon "Colt1911";


if(str(playerSide) in ["EAST"]) then


removeAllWeapons _player;

_player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";

_player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";

_player addMagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";

_player addWeapon "Makarov";

_player selectWeapon "Makarov";


if(str(playerSide) in ["GUER"]) then


removeAllWeapons _player;

_player addMagazine "17Rnd_9x19_glock17";

_player addWeapon "glock17_EP1";

_player selectWeapon "glock17_EP1";


_player addrating 1000000;

_player switchMove "amovpknlmstpsraswpstdnon_gear";

thirstLevel = 100;

hungerLevel = 100;

_player setVariable["cmoney",500,false];

_player setVariable["canfood",1,false];

_player setVariable["medkits",0,false];

_player setVariable["water",1,false];

_player setVariable["fuel",0,false];

_player setVariable["repairkits",0,false];

_player setVariable["fuelFull", 0, false];

_player setVariable["fuelEmpty", 1, false];

_player setVariable["bombs",false,false];

_player setVariable["spawnBeacon",0,false];

_player setVariable["camonet",0,false];

player setVariable["canDrop",false,false];

[] execVM "client\functions\playerActions.sqf";

_player groupChat format["Player Initialization Complete"];

playerSetupComplete = true;

And playerspawn.sqf tells us this:

// @file Version: 1.0

// @file Name: playerSpawn.sqf

// @file Author: [404] Deadbeat

// @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19

// @file Args:

private ["_side"];

playerSpawning = true;

playerUID = getPlayerUID(player);

townSearch = 0;

beaconSearch = 0;

doKickTeamKiller = false;

doKickTeamSwitcher = false;

//Check Teamkiller


if(_x select 0 == playerUID) then {

if((_x select 1) >= 2) then {

if(playerSide in [west, east]) then {

doKickTeamKiller = true;




} forEach pvar_teamKillList;

//Check Teamswitcher


if(_x select 0 == playerUID) then


if(playerSide != (_x select 1) && str(playerSide) != "GUER") then{

doKickTeamSwitcher = true;

_side = str(_x select 1);



} forEach pvar_teamSwitchList;

//Kick to lobby for appropriate reason

//Teamkiller Kick

if(doKickTeamKiller) exitWith {

titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 0];

titleText [localize "STR_WL_Loading_Teamkiller", "black"]; titleFadeOut 9999;

[] spawn {sleep 20; endMission "LOSER";};


//Teamswitcher Kick

if(doKickTeamSwitcher) exitWith {

titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 0];

titleText [format[localize "STR_WL_Loading_Teamswitched", localize format ["STR_WL_Gen_Team%1_2", _side]], "black"]; titleFadeOut 9999;

[] spawn {sleep 20; endMission "LOSER";};


//Send player to debug to stop fake spawn locations.

player setPos [-20000 - (random 10000), 5000 + random 15000, 0];

true spawn client_respawnDialog;

waitUntil {respawnDialogActive};

while {respawnDialogActive} do {

titleText ["", "BLACK OUT", 0.00001];


sleep 0.1;

titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 0.00001];

player enableSimulation true;

playerSpawning = false;

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where are you spawning in? at the respawn_west marker or somewhere else like [0,0] on the map?

If you test on your dedicated server where do you respawn? Do you have a respawn_west marker in the mission (assuming you are playing as BLUFOR)?

//Send player to debug to stop fake spawn locations.
player setPos [-20000 - (random 10000), 5000 + random 15000, 0];

I'm guessing this is what sets your height after respawn and whatever runs after it

true spawn client_respawnDialog;

is not moving the player to the actual respawn point or broken in some other way.. do you actually get some kind of respawn dialog come up on the screen?

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