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Driver proxies

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To place drivers, co drivers, pilots and cargo (the people version) I did the following:

1. After unpacking the demo data3d file locate the following p3d files: driver.p3d, codriver.p3d, cargo.p3d, jeepdriver.p3d, jeepcodriver.p3d, uazdriver.p3d, uazcodriver.p3d, uh60pilot.p3d, uh60copilot.p3d.. plus others  for the bmp, 5ton truck etc.

2. Use Xpack to convert the p3d files so that Oxygen can load them.

3. Place the unpacked p3d files in the data3d that Oxygen uses (normally on drive c:)

To Use:

1. In Oxygen assign a proxy from the  Create> Proxy.. menu

2. Type in the type of driver, codriver etc you want. Note: these must be the filenames of the p3ds above. For example if you wanted the UH60 pilot to fly your new chopper you'd type in UH60pilot.

The new proxy will be called proxy:Uh60pilot.01

3. Next move the proxy to the  position you want. Turn it to face the right direction and view in Buldozer. If all is well you should see a model of the pilot, etc with your model.

4. Adjust the proxy position until it is in the correct place and then test in OFP.

[edit]by unpacking other p3d files such as the m16 etc you could accurately place these as well.. untested[/edit]

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Good frequently asked question I guess:

Xpack is a tool made by A-Lone-Wolf and is available on the OFPEC forum.

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