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How to force the main character to be played in coop?

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Everytime I modify my SP missions into CP in run into the same problem: How can I force at least one player to play the main character, the one that was designated in single player?

And as a second question: disableAI = 1 doesn't seem to work in my description.ext, I still have to deactivate AI in the multiplayer lobby. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


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Use disabledAI = 1

You could throw out a message and end the mission if the unit isn't a player.

Something like:

waitUntil {time > 5};
if (!isPlayer theGuy) then {
  hint "The guy wasn't chosen. Mission failed.";
 ["epicFail",false,2] call BIS_fnc_endMission;

Edited by Iceman77

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Instead of applying names and identities to the playable AI in their init boxes, you could make all the ai the same in the editor. Then in your init.sqf you can can get the array of actual players, and assign them names, identities, uniforms, loadouts, etcs. This would guarantee your key character is a player. You could even randomize it, so each try the player is a different character (if you think that is intereseting). If there is only one key character, announce who it is via a hint or something "Player X is Captain Fantastic", "Player Y is Uber-Noob".

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