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Missiles make no sound at all - overall sound design of Arma 3 is bad.

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Guys, explain to me how it is possible to hear a passing by air gun "bullet" in real life (experienced many times IRL) and not possible to hear much bigger rocket passing by? If a smaller and slower projectile is clearly hearable then it is a non-sense to me not to hear a bigger and faster one with some delay.

---------- Post added at 14:50 ---------- Previous post was at 14:49 ----------

Directional sound has never worked very well in any of the series.

None of them has come close to GRAW.

Apologies to mod makers if you improved the directional sound I have never used any of the sound mods.

No need to apologise, they mostly make it even worse.

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Come on, man. Many sounds in the game could use work. Some are simply abysmal. It's not even necessarily the sounds themselves, but the soundscape has been broken since the Alpha. Directional sound, sounds dropping off after a few hundred meters. Even if eveything worked, the engine is still pretty primitive compared to most 'next-gen' games. The state of the audio in this game is not good.

Certainly, I would not deny the sounds and it's overarching system leave a lot to be desired. It's merely the casualness in which statements are made without anything to back it up I do not like. The OP's first post basically amounts to "hey, ur sound sucks, kthnxbai". Now at least he's digging up real world examples of how it should sound like. This I approve of.

I will happily support anything that improves the sound situation, engine or art wise as long as it has some thought behind it on what's wrong, why it's wrong and what can (or could) be done about it. That should be the starting point on every discussion so you can get to the point more quickly.

Right now we're trying to figure out if missiles make any sound when they pass by and if you can hear it. I honestly do not know if this is the case IRL but would assume so. But has anyone actually tried to see if the OP's claim is correct in the game? That missiles currently don't make any sound when they woosh (hah!) by? I tried by firing an AA missile at a transport chopper, jumping into the camera mode and pausing time. I then maneuvered close by to see if I could hear it. Sure enough I could hear a sound in certain conditions when moving close to the missile and I'm pretty sure it was the engine. That's about all I tried.

Next is the 30mm AA gun. Subjectively I agree it sounds kinda off and really weak, but I don't know how it sounds IRL. I looked up a few similar weapon systems on YT and they sounded like loud farts to really loud bees humming to me. But that might just have been the video and I'm not good at judging the sounds.

I then tried listening to every other sound to see if those are bad, but got tired and went to bed instead.

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