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Karma Modules

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This module contains several scripts that I have written that written and made into module form.

The goal is to take some simple editing tasks and make them easier to acomplish.

Modules include Roadblocks, Building Patrol, Carbombs/ Civilan Traffic, and City Garrisons.

-Roadblock Module

This will spawn a roadblock site at the module location. The site can be configured for side

direction as well as unit types (Both standard units and mod units can be used). I have a script

version as well that can be found at the link below. Several different types of sites can be selected

from a simple site to a base being built around the roadblock.


-Building Patrol Module

This module will allow the user to quickly set units to patrol a building in the editor. The placed units

will patrol the building in random positions and have a random delay at each postion.

- Carbomb Module

This module creates carbombs that will drive around the map. When they find a target they come to a stop

and accelearate in your direction. When they reach a random distance they will detonate thier explosives.

If the car bomber is killed there is also a chance for a dead man switch that will explode. The civilian

cars can also be used to make it harder to spot and more interesting.

- City Garrison Module

This module fills a city with units. If civilian units are used they will patrol the streets and enter random buildings.

Military units will spawn in a building and patrol the building they are in. On contact with the enemy they may leave the

building they are in and come out and attack. This makes the units more alert as well as having to ID your targets when you enter buildings.

This module should make for a great CQB experience.

See my forum post on the Roadblock Site Script for the script form of the Roadblock Module


Roadblock Module:Video By sttosin

Carbomb Preview

Download Link:

Version 1.4

Karma Module Download On Armaholic

- Installation

Unzip the file (Using 7 Zip) and install it as you would a regular mod.

Roadblock Module Set

- Open the Modules in the editor and you will find a section called Karma Modules.

- Place the Roadblock Site Module down in the editor at desired location.

- Give the site module a unique name.

- Set the parameters in the site module for Units, Direction, Bargate Destruction and Site Type.

- Set Up Auto Road Direction (This will attempt to get the road direction that the module was placed on)

- Road Direction Flip will roate the site 180 degrees from the road direction.

- Road Distance Scan, 8 to 10 meters is a good value but may need to be tweaked.

- Place the Roadblock Control Module down and give it a name (I like to use Control for the name of this module).

- Default values work fine and are the original values I used in the script version.

Or set the values for gate check distance and timing. Debug was made more for development purposes.

- Synchronize all the Roadblock Site Modules on the map to the Roadblock Site Control Module.

- Preview the mission and adjust Roadblock Site position and direction as needed.

Custom Unit Roadblock Site Module

- Fallow the directions above for set up and synchronizing the module.

- Place down any three units from any downloaded unit mod then synchronize each unit to the Custom Site Module.

- The site will use the units you placed and synchronized in the editor at the Custom Unit Roadblock Site Module

- In the editor try and place the units as close to the custom roadblock site as possible.

Simple Building Patrol

-Place the module down as close to the building you want the units to patrol as possible

- Set the Floor Offset value as needed to try and get units not to appear in the floor.

- Place the units you want to use in the editor.

- Synchronize the patrolling units to the module.

- Preview Mission

Carbomb Module

- Place the module in the center of the map.

- Set the module parameters listed below to your liking.

- Set the probability of car bomber spawn (Smaller the number the less chance of a car bomb spawing)

- Set max number of carbombs (Zero can be used to not spawn any car bombs just civ traffic.)

- Set max number of civilian cars (Zero can be used as well)

- Set Minimum spawn distance to player. I.E. 1000 would equate to no unit can spawn within a click of a player)

- Map Scan Size 10000 is defualt. (10k covers most of Altis but can be adjusted for future maps)

The map scan size can be adjusted with the debug option below. Adjust the vaule below unilt the number

of positions does not change.

- Debug will show map markers for each spawned unit as well as to ensure script is running)

- Preview and try not to get blown up.

City Garrison Module

- Place the City Garrison Module down in the city you wish to populate.

- Set the number of civilian units and military units you would like in the city.

- Select unit list mode, Master Unit List or Independent Unit List.

- Debug Mode if on will show marker locations for military units.

- If using the Master Unit List put down the Master Unit Module and synchronize all units you would like to use to it.

- Placing the Master Unit Module in a city will make the syncronized units patrol the city.

- The Master Unit List is only needed once on the map to get the unit types to fill the city with.

- Independent Unit List needs units synced to it allowing the option for mulitple types of units in different cities.

- Both the master unit list and independent site should be able to use any properly configured unit made by the Arma Community

If you have any bugs or feature requests feel free to let me know.

Future Modules And Features

- IED Module

- Add Suicide Bomber Option To City Garrison

- Add Blacklist Area Markers To Carbomb Script

- Get Mod On PlayWithSix To Make It Easier For People To Get.


Thanks to the entire Arma Community and BI Forums for any help that you provided

subminuentisch - For helping out with the module config file and pbo'ing.

sttosin - For help with the testing.

1PARA{God-Father} - For testing.

Foxhound - For keeping my files up to date on Armaholic

Armaholic - For hosting my mod as well as other content made by the entire Arma Community

License Agreement

- You may not reverse-engineer this addon unless its for the express use of improving your scripting knowledge.

- You may NOT distribute altered versions of this addon without my written permission.

- You may NOT use this addon or any derivatives thereof in any way for monetary gain. Exception granted for Youtube videos (Note See BI's license agreement on monitized video distribution of their game content)

- You may NOT use this addon or derivatives thereof as part of any submission to any contest or any kind (especially not for the "Make Arma Not War" contest by BIS) without my consent and per agreement on compensation coming from any prize.

- I am not liable in any way for damage to any computer system, component, or software by using this addon.


Version 1.4

- Added City Garrison Module

- Added Mod Logo

- Minor Code Tweaks

- Added Licence Agrement On BI forum thread. (Nothing Unreasonable In My Opinion)

Version 1.3

- Contains v 1.1 of the Roadblock Site Script.

- Added Carbomb And Civilian Traffic Module

- Added Simple Building Patrol Module

Version 1.2

- Fixed Small Error In Config Causing Error On Dedicated Server.

Version 1.1

- Updated module to be running 1.0 version of the roadblock site script.

Edited by I34dKarma
Updated Download Link For New Version

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Big fan of the script version. Thanks for releasing a mod version

sttosin glad you liked the script, hopefully the module will work to your liking as well. I had the module version listed as a future update I just had no idea how much work it was going to take getting a module working. Now that the hard parts done I can move on to other features or additional modules. Since you have used the script is there anything you might like to see in the mod? The feedback has been positive but with very few suggestions.

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Updated Mod to 1.1 it now contains the 1.0 version of the Roadblock Site Script. This includes support for custom (mod) units.



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Love the modules, the work great in single player and if I host a server, but I get errors about the module when I put the mission to my clan server. The gate and bunkers aren't there, and the 3 guys I put are just standing there. Any suggestions help?

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Love the modules, the work great in single player and if I host a server, but I get errors about the module when I put the mission to my clan server. The gate and bunkers aren't there, and the 3 guys I put are just standing there. Any suggestions help?

- R0t0rh34d Thanks for the info I will take another look at dedicated servers and see if I can find any issues. If you could open up the mission you were trying to run and open up the functions view and see if you can find some functions called fn_karma_roadblock_start or something along those lines(There should be a total of three functions with a similar name). You should be able to see the function. If it comes up blank there is some issue.

Edited by I34dKarma

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So what exactly does this do? Only allow certain units to pass?

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So what exactly does this do? Only allow certain units to pass?


This module allows you to easily configure and place roadblocks into your mission. The roadblock consists of two small bunkers with a bargate that will open if you are on the same side as the units manning the gate. Bargate will not animate if units manning the roadblock are KIA. Simply place down a few

modules and set a few values and you have a working roadblock.

Right now that is all this mod does I will add things to it as time progresses (Simple Building Patrol, Civilian Traffic, Carbombs, and anything else that script). If you need a better idea take a look at the Roadblock Site Script link in the first post. There are a few videos to take a look at there as well.

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Karma, thanks for the response. Where do you want me to open up the mission? In the dedicated server? Or in the editor? If editor, I looked and have no errors, I will get the exact wording of the error on the dedicated server for you tomorrow.

---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

OK, I just went in and looked again, here is what I found.

The error is this:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Module_F/ArgumentsBaseUnits/Units/values/Objects.default'.

I did go look in the function editor like you said in the editor, I did see the karma_roadblock, karma_roadblock_custom, and karma_roadblock_start.

Hope some of this helps.

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Module updated to version 1.2 to fix dedicated server issue.

- R0torh34d thanks for pointing out the error and the debug info that you were having. Seems like it was an error in the config file that did it. I tested it out on my dedicated server and seems to work fine now. Normally I will do a test in multiplayer and in dedicated before a release but it was really late when I finished it off and guess that test slipped though the cracks. My apologies for any inconvenience.

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Karma, no inconvenience whatsoever, anyone who complains about a free mod that someone like yourself works on in their own time to make the ARMA 3 experience better for others, should, in my humble opinion, be put in front of a firing squad.

Thanks again for the great work.

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Just a quick update:

The gates now show up and the bunkers as well, everything seems to be working correctly, but I'm still getting that error on the startup, any ideas?

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Just a quick update:

The gates now show up and the bunkers as well, everything seems to be working correctly, but I'm still getting that error on the startup, any ideas?

Interesting. I didn't see the error on any of my tests. Was the error on mission start, a script type error, or an error in the report file? I looked through the config and may have found the cause but if everything is functional I will wait until the next release to fix it. Thanks for letting me know about the error.

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Version 1.3 of Karma Modules is in progress I could use a few more people to test it out. If your interested and have preferably used the script version of the roadblocks it would be helpful. This is mainly to test out some new features of the module. If you are interested send me a PM.

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Version 1.3 of the module pack has been released. New features include Carbomb Module with civilian traffic (Built in wreck removal) and a simple Building Patrol Module.

Hope you enjoy the new features and Merry Xmas.


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Updated release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Nice work , will all players need this MOD if i run this on a Dedi or it is all run on the server ?

I have not tried testing the modules with a client missing the mod pack on a dedicated server. All my testing for the modules in a dedicated environment had both the server and client running the mod. This just did not occur to me during the testing phase of the latest release. Also only having one person reply to my request for testers for this release as well might not have helped. I will say this technically all the scripting at this time is all server side so it should be possible based on the scripting, however the function of the modules in Arma itself might not make it possible. I am kind of busy right now but if you have time to make a test I would be interested to know the results.

Glad you liked the mod though 1PARA{God-Father}

Update: both server (standard host as well as dedicated) and client need the module to join the server. Thanks 1PARA{God-Father} for testing that out for me.

Edited by I34dKarma

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Update: both server (standard host as well as dedicated) and client need the module to join the server. Thanks 1PARA{God-Father} for testing that out for me.

I'm fairly new to multiplayer (with my own missions). If these were scripts instead of modules they would download to connected clients automatically, as part of the mission. Is this correct? If so, could we have a script version please?

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Oooops! Double post. Sorry.

Edited by Oktyabr
double posted somehow

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I'm fairly new to multiplayer (with my own missions). If these were scripts instead of modules they would download to connected clients automatically, as part of the mission. Is this correct? If so, could we have a script version please?

To answer your question, yes if it were a script it would be downloaded to all the connected clients. With the module all clients would need the mod. In my opinion the ease of using the module out ways the client having to download the mod. As to releasing a script version I am not sure if I will release a script version or not. The main reason is the amount of time it takes to updated two versions. With the latest release of the roadblock site script it took me too much time to integrate the changes into the other version. If its a minor change it can be really easy but if it was a major change it takes time to get it working in the module again. So at this time I am just going to keep things integrated in the module.

I have two new features that I am working on right now that might make the module pack even more useful.

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To answer your question, yes if it were a script it would be downloaded to all the connected clients. With the module all clients would need the mod. In my opinion the ease of using the module out ways the client having to download the mod. As to releasing a script version I am not sure if I will release a script version or not. The main reason is the amount of time it takes to updated two versions. With the latest release of the roadblock site script it took me too much time to integrate the changes into the other version. If its a minor change it can be really easy but if it was a major change it takes time to get it working in the module again. So at this time I am just going to keep things integrated in the module.

I have two new features that I am working on right now that might make the module pack even more useful.

Thanks for the reply! For modules or anything else that is going to be used often I can see where it is better to download and install it once than download the same thing over and over again with each new mission. Apps like PlayWithSix have simplified this further, if the mods are included in it's database, as you can click the server you want and download all the dependent mods automatically. And yet this is really something that should be done from within the game engine itself. Many FPS games had this figured out over a decade ago. You join a server and the map and any additional needed mods are downloaded before you get to play.

For someone like you or me, that have become adept to the arma way of doing things, it's maybe not so big a problem. But there are always those new people out there, curious about ARMA, that are used to the "old" way of having such stuff dished up automatically. In particular I have a group of friends that find messing with configs and modlines has left a bad taste in their mouth and they've pretty much ignored the ARMA world. For these people I like a script version when I can find it. Get them hooked on the game and *then* slowly coax them into the more "complicated" stuff.

Of course this isn't about you or your mod(s) in particular and I'm certainly not suggesting you spend any time you don't have working on script versions too. If it's good enough people will use it regardless.

I'm personally looking forward to your next release and the "new features" :)

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Apps like PlayWithSix have simplified this further, if the mods are included in it's database, as you can click the server you want and download all the dependent mods automatically.

Well you can always ask Sickboy (The creator of PlayWithSix) to add it to the mod database.

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