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Map and Briefing team inventory fix

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This is great, thanks. But we still cannot add items to the pool i.e. attachments, right?

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yes you can...just list them under class Weapons -> in the config file they are defined as weapons. However they don't work ingame haha. Maybe someone should add the virtual ammo box to the briefing screen

Edited by Sakura_Chan

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Thanks for sending us the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hi @Sakura_Chan. About u mod.

Do you have plans to add something like UserConfig to add or remove weapons?

If I want to remove the sniper rifles of choice of players that would be possible?

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Thank you for addon.

Finally after searching for months a light in the tunnel.

I need to ask if anyone knows,in arma2 i used to add in the description.ext of any mission or campaign all the weapons and items and backpacks that i wanted,from any given addon (using classnames).

With arma3 thats impossible,even with this addon , adding in the description.ext of any mission, the weapons and items of all the classnames that i found in this site http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist , it seems not to work.

Does anyone have any information if Bohemia studios are going to re-enable the inventory system in arma3 that its been known to us from arma 2?

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Dear Sakura

Let me be more specific.

Before this addon and before the latest patch for a3 ,the inventory option was there in the briefing screen(im just saying so i know we are in the same page).The first thing that i did when i bought the game was to make a list with all the classnames for all the equipment-weapons-optics-backpacks-clothes-helmets-ammo i could find and which i did.After pasting that list into the description.ext file of a mission, i realized that the only items that i could use from the list ,were the weapons and ammo (right click it from the left panel and place it on the right ,in the inventory screen).No optics,nor clothes,nor irs,nor silencers.So my guess was that it has something to do with the fact that the game is at first stages of development and i need to wait for an update.Then the latest patch came and you know what happened.Not only they didnt fix the missing items(optics-clothes-silencers),but they also took away the inventory option.(im sorry for typing with much detail but it helps to explain my indignation).And here we are.When i saw your addon i got excited, because for me, being able to intervene in to my players load out is half the fun.But the problem still remains.Yes your addon brought back the inventory option and i can change weapons and ammo but not other items like optics , clothes nor silencers.Do you confirm the facts that i post or there is something i do wrong?Have you been able to change clothes-helmets-optics-silencers?

Kind regards

Edited by thimios

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Yes, we are on the same page. The items and attachments will show up if they are listed under 'class weapons' but they are completely useless ingame. You cannot mount them to weapons or change uniforms, making it useless anyways. This is probably because items are a new thing for A3, and the existing system is just legacy code from A2. BIS either plans to remove it completely or fix and replace it later on. I think the best course of action is to make a scripted solution simular to VAS that could be added to a briefing without an addon.

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