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Object Oriented SQF Scripting and Compiling

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Hello all.
Is it possible to call methods in the context of class?. ie call static methods. For example, for the realization of the "singleton" pattern?
Something like:


_myObj = ["getInstance", _params] call MySingletonClass;
_myObj = _params call MySingletonClass_getInstance;

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This is a simple class to connect to the database for extDB2, but the implementation via the singleton will look easier and stable for any instance:


	#include "oop.h"


		PRIVATE STATIC_VARIABLE("string", "connectID");

		PUBLIC FUNCTION("array", "constructor") {
			private ["_version", "_database", "_protocol", "_protocolOptions"];
			_database =        [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
			_protocol =        [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
			_protocolOptions = [_this, 2, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

			if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "extDB_SQL_CUSTOM_ID"}) then {
				_version = MEMBER("getVersion", nil);
				if(_version != "") then {
					MEMBER("sendLog", "Version: " + _version);
					//Add Database
					if(MEMBER("addDatabase", _database)) then {
						//Load protocol
						private ["_protocolParams"];
						_protocolParams = [_database, _protocol, str(round(random(999999))), _protocolOptions];
						if(MEMBER("loadDatabaseProtocol", _protocolParams)) then {
							MEMBER("connectID", _protocolParams select 2);
							uiNamespace setVariable ["extDB_SQL_CUSTOM_ID", _protocolParams select 2];
							MEMBER("lock", nil);							
					MEMBER("sendError", "Failed to Load");
				MEMBER("connectID", uiNamespace getVariable "extDB_SQL_CUSTOM_ID");
				MEMBER("sendLog", "Already connected");
		PUBLIC FUNCTION("string", "deconstructor") {
		PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getConnectID") FUNC_GETVAR("connectID");
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("string", "addDatabase") {
			private ["_return", "_result"];
			_result = call compile ("extDB2" callExtension format["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1", _this]);
			_return = false;
			if ((_result select 0) isEqualTo 1) then {
				MEMBER("sendLog", "Database added: " + _this);
				_return = true;
				MEMBER("sendError", _result select 1);
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("array", "loadDatabaseProtocol") {
			_this params ["_database", "_protocol", "_id", "_protocolOptions"];
			private ["_return", "_result"];
			_return = false;
			_result = call compile ("extDB2" callExtension format["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%1:%2:%3:%4", 
			if ((_result select 0) isEqualTo 1) then {
				MEMBER("sendLog", "Protocol loaded - " + _protocol);
				_return = true;
				MEMBER("sendError", _result select 1);
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("", "getVersion") {
			"extDB2" callExtension "9:VERSION";
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("", "lock") {
			private ["_return", "_result"];
			_result = call compile ("extDB2" callExtension "9:LOCK");
			_return = false;
			if ((_result select 0) isEqualTo 1) then {
				_return = true;
				MEMBER("sendLog", "Locked");
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("string", "sendLog") {
			diag_log (format ["extDB2 log: %1", _this]);
		PRIVATE FUNCTION("string", "sendError") {
			private ["_error"];
			_error = format["extDB2 Error: %1", _this];
			_error call BIS_fnc_error;
			diag_log _error;



_databaseConn = ["new", ["MySQL_test_database_1", "SQL_CUSTOM_V2", "/"]] call DatabaseExtDB2Connect;

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Hello all.

Is it possible to call methods in the context of class?. ie call static methods. For example, for the realization of the "singleton" pattern?


Something like:


_myObj = ["getInstance", _params] call MySingletonClass;
_myObj = _params call MySingletonClass_getInstance;


Hi Aloe :)


Happy to see you again ! sadly, currently static method other than new / delete are not supported.


i will look to see if we can add the support


for extdb2 connector, nice work


i also work currently on the same project cause i need a driver to manage extdb2. You seems to want to use several class. is there a reason ?


if you are interested by we perhaps could work together on this projet (through gitbhub) to strkie the goal  :)

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Hi Code34  :).
No, this is not entirely a conscious class name) That should be one class, responsibility is - provide a convenient interface to the database (connection, read, write, etc.).
I am a pioneer in working with git, but I will be glad to cooperation of our efforts towards a common goal and help the community. Give please me your contact-mail or vk.com or skype or jabber :icon_smile:.

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you can retrieve oop.h (temporary version) on this url :



i add a _self local variable to retrieve the pointer of the object itself


you can use it like this

PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getThis") { _self; };
MEMBER("getThis", nil);

or directly using the _self variable in the code of object as it a reserved variable :)

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On 26-9-2017 at 10:14 PM, code34 said:

you can retrieve oop.h (temporary version) on this url :



i add a _self local variable to retrieve the pointer of the object itself


you can use it like this

PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getThis") { _self; };

MEMBER("getThis", nil);

or directly using the _self variable in the code of object as it a reserved variable :)


How would i go about adding a class object to an array ?

If it can not be done, i can add the item ID's to the list but i'm not sure how i would get the "item details" (ex: name) from the ID...

I have this 'Item' class:

#include "..\..\lib\OOP\oop.h"


PRIVATE VARIABLE("scalar", "id");
PRIVATE VARIABLE("string", "name");

PUBLIC FUNCTION("string", "constructor") { // String: ItemName
	private ["_id"];
	MEMBER("name", _this);

	_id = MEMBER("lastItemID", nil);
	if (isNil "_id") then {_id = 0};
	MEMBER("id", _id);

PUBLIC FUNCTION("nil", "deconstructor"){
PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getItemName") FUNC_GETVAR("name");



And this 'ItemList' class:

#include "..\..\lib\OOP\oop.h"


PRIVATE VARIABLE("array", "items");

PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "constructor") {
	MEMBER("items", []);
PUBLIC FUNCTION("nil", "deconstructor"){
PUBLIC FUNCTION("object", "addItem"){ // Object: Item
	private ["_items", "_index"];
	_items = MEMBER("items", nil);
	_index = count _items;
	_items set [_index, _this];
PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getItems") FUNC_GETVAR("items");



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Just a simple modification, the type of oop object is code not object :)


#include "..\..\lib\OOP\oop.h"


PRIVATE VARIABLE("array", "items");

PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "constructor") {
	MEMBER("items", []);
PUBLIC FUNCTION("nil", "deconstructor"){
PUBLIC FUNCTION("code", "addItem"){ // Object: Item
MEMBER("items", nil) pushBack _this;
PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getItems") FUNC_GETVAR("items");



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 You should now use this forum thread with the new OOP version :) cause this one is no longer maintain since few years



  • Thanks 1

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On 9-1-2018 at 7:05 PM, code34 said:



Just a simple modification, the type of oop object is code not object :)


#include "..\..\lib\OOP\oop.h"


PRIVATE VARIABLE("array", "items");

PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "constructor") {
	MEMBER("items", []);
PUBLIC FUNCTION("nil", "deconstructor"){
PUBLIC FUNCTION("code", "addItem"){ // Object: Item
MEMBER("items", nil) pushBack _this;
PUBLIC FUNCTION("", "getItems") FUNC_GETVAR("items");



On 9-1-2018 at 7:11 PM, code34 said:

 You should now use this forum thread with the new OOP version :) cause this one is no longer maintain since few years




Thanks alot!
I'll try this later..

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