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Disable thermal on infantry weapons

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Is it possible to remove thermal optic on infantry weapons? The TIE command only appears to work for vehicles.

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You can remove the scope weapon attachment of the rifle, but as far as I know, you can't disable an weapon optic function like thermal or the ability to even use the scope.

An example command to remove an attachment such as a flashlight: player1 removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";

If you go into the config viewer in the editor and double-click "CfgWeapons" you'll get a list of weapon and weapon item classnames. Find the classname of the thermal scope attachment, and then replace the above's "acc_flashlight" with the scope classname.

If you want your mission to detect if the player has a thermal scope or not, and it should remove the scope if he does, you'll most likely have to create a script for that. Hopefully this was somewhat helpful. :P

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I will post here If I find a suitable argument for your question.

I want this myself, after all I just got rid of it on the vehicles.

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To disable or reduce effectiveness of thermal imaging on infantry sights, you can reduce the viewDistance when TI is activated, like so:

while { alive player } do {
    switch (currentVisionMode player) do {
       case 0 : {
           setViewDistance 1200;
           // setObjectViewDistance 1500;
       case 1 : { // NVG
           setViewDistance 600;
           // setObjectViewDistance 1200;
       case 2 : { // FLIR
           setViewDistance 400;
           // setObjectViewDistance 600;

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