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Centering image in briefing

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Hi guys, I really looked around but was not able to fix that little issue. I have no issue whatsoever to add a picture in the briefing. But they look a little out of place since I am not able to center those.

Here is my command. My 256x256 square picture appears, but with a left align. Could you please tell me what is wrong?

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Mission","Mission bla bla, here is the picture of the target.<br/><br/><p align=center'><img image='images\target.jpg' width='256' height='256'/></p&gt]];

I tought that the <p align 'center'> would do the trick. But it does not work...

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Nothing's wrong. <p align 'center'> doesn't work for images, simply that.

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So Hk,

are you saying that it is not possible to center images in the briefing? Is it a bug?

I remember in Arma 2 you could do that in the briefing.html


Their example:


Pictures can be added to your briefings, simply by using this img-tag:

<p align="center"><img src="PictureName.jpg" width="128" height="64"></p>

In this example "PictureName.jpg" is the name of your picture. It has to be in the correct mission folder. Its maximum resolution is 256x256 pixels, and both width and height have to be a power of two (i.e. both sides have to be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 pixels). "Width" and "Height" are the new width and height of the picture; that is, how it will be seen on the screen. "Align" determines if the picture is centered or not. You can set it as "left", "right" or "center".

Edited by frag

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Add some spaces before the image? Centers it for me, but yes align='center' doesn't work.

player createDiaryRecord [
	"And Finally<br/> - Good Luck!<br/><br/>We're sure you will be back in time for tea and medals!<br/> - Intel Image:<br/>                  <img image = 'verticalMiddleFinger.paa' width = '100'/>"

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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No way!!?? LOLLL

It cannot be that simple!? Can't wait to try it out tonight. Wonder if it will work wilth all different resolution though.

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<img image = 'verticalMiddleFinger.paa'
, nice name matter, is it a hint or the real name:p

oh and thx for the fix

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