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Rifle clips through objects

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I would like to bring attention to a very important issue reported very well by GShock where track has been closed for failure to vote.


One thing that was right to 100% and obvious has become exchange of fantasies about how and what a rifle can hit through the aim view.

I dont see this issue whit the more arcade FPS title but you accept this one in a Sim-Game!

Let this important bug was going through something of little importance, or even worse, that really behaves like a rifle work in real life, it means that there are too many people, who dosent care about to bring this game to a higher level but just:

...give me a weapon and target and will destroy everything!

I hoped, and believed, then one of more boring and frustrating bug, then have followed the previous edition,togheter to the Aim point out of alignment in gunner seat,was correct this time!

But I was wrong .. real life and some gamers live in two different world paralell where it's difficult to meet us,even though I do not understand why.

Now this bug has been closed like idea, or concept wrong,thanking all those who open their mouths, and we keep this issue also in this edition.



Edited by Enrico

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I would suggest you read the reason MadDogX stated for closing the ticket, it had nothing to do with votes, the ticket was a duplicate of an existing one.

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I would suggest you read the reason MadDogX stated for closing the ticket, it had nothing to do with votes, the ticket was a duplicate of an existing one.


I havent read the reason,and you right,but it does not change the problem and what they users say about that issue.


This mind than it will be fix..or not?


**Plz guys vote up for this track issue...it's important!

Edited by Enrico

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It's true there is no collision for rifle against nearby objects, but I think it's also true that you cannot use this as an exploit to shoot through walls yes? It was explained to me that bullets are fired from the breech not the barrel end.

So it becomes one of aesthetics, unless you believe that having a collidable weapon indoors is part of the ArmA experience. Personally I don't, but I know there are many who do, and I acknowledge their views. :)

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You can fire into buildings from underneath them.

Crawl under one of the pre-fab green military buildings and swing your gun up - you can pepper the room from the safety of under the floor.

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It's true there is no collision for rifle against nearby objects, but I think it's also true that you cannot use this as an exploit to shoot through walls yes? It was explained to me that bullets are fired from the breech not the barrel end.

So it becomes one of aesthetics, unless you believe that having a collidable weapon indoors is part of the ArmA experience. Personally I don't, but I know there are many who do, and I acknowledge their views. :)


If i must be honest, i really dont care about the aesthetics,if they fix it or not...for me is the same,but to fix the hit bullett when the rifle it nearby to the objects...yes!

I hate it, because for that problem,i am dead so many time and it must to be correct.....no doubt about it.


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You can fire into buildings from underneath them.

Crawl under one of the pre-fab green military buildings and swing your gun up - you can pepper the room from the safety of under the floor.

Because the floors are perforable.

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You can fire into buildings from underneath them.

Crawl under one of the pre-fab green military buildings and swing your gun up - you can pepper the room from the safety of under the floor.

Same with every other vehicle in the game right now.

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Because the floors are perforable.

Hmm, not sure I agree with you there Maturin - you see through the floor and the bullet starts within the room.

Checked using Hypno's tracker script in slow-mo.

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