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Campaign is done, could you please focus on important things again?

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So, as the campaign is finally done, and lots of work went into it -while bugfixing and especially adding new core featuers got a bit too less love over the last weeks:

Could you please now focus on adding more core contents again?

Or maybe check the feedbacktracker TOP10?

For now big parts of the community feel kind of, not really understood. You giving us (and you) a nice feedback tracker, and did already a good amount of work in bugfixing, but the most awaited and highest voted featuers dont even get touched, even some of them would not really take much time to implement them.

Just examples:

- Weapon Rest

- better midrange textures

- realistic wounding system

- grenade throwing (placeholder) should finally be exchanged to something usefull

- fast roping

- deploy swimmers von choppers

- body armor

- eg.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but:

A.) The development branch section is not the "feature demand section". Moved to general.

B.) The mission designers working on the campaign are not stopping the programmers from implementing features.

C.) The campaign is not "done". There are two more episodes to go.


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