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Ending a mission after all a objective is done

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(Messed up title, it is meant to be "Ending a mission after an objective is done"

A most likely simple problem that I am having trouble figuring out. What is intended is that once you reach the extraction point (i.e. a trigger which is activated when BLUFOR are detected) the mission is supposed to end, I'm not entirely sure how to execute the ending trigger when the objective is finished. I tried by synchronizing the end trigger to the 'Set Task State' which would be succeeded but to no avail!

I guarantee I am being really stupid but I do need some assistance if possible, thanks!

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I would solve it like this:

1) Use task module (create task, set task state)

2) Place trigger with condition for task completion, give it a name (for example trigTask1Complete)

3) Sync set task state from 1) with trigger from 2)

4) Place trigger for mission end (for example type #end1) with condition

triggerActivated trigTask1Complete

and probably a small timeout.

So when condition for task completion is met, trigTask1Complete fires.

Task should render completed.

#end1 trigger should fire.

To check triggers firing you could simply use hint "trigTask1Complete" on activation.

Edited by dezibert

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In Arma 3 there is another option which works well:


trigger onact:

["endSuccess",true,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
["endFail",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;


class CfgDebriefing
class endSuccess
	title = "Mission Completed";
	subtitle = "Excellent Job!";
	description = "You were successfully successful!";
	pictureBackground = "celebrations.paa";
	picture = "b_inf";
	pictureColor[] = {0.13,0.41,0.87,1};

class endFail
	title = "Mission Not Completed";
	subtitle = "You're dead meat bro! You turned baked beans!";
	description = "Play it again sam.....";
	pictureBackground = "deadPerson.paa";
	picture = "mil_warning";
	pictureColor[] = {0.83,0.17,0.17,1};

try these if you don't have your own paa files:

pictureBackground = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Debriefing\endDeath_ca.paa";

pictureBackground = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Debriefing\endDefault_ca.paa";

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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@dezibert, what do you mean by "Place trigger with condition for task completion"?

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@dezibert, what do you mean by "Place trigger with condition for task completion"?

I meant what you described in your first post: '...once you reach the extraction point (i.e. a trigger which is activated when BLUFOR are detected)...'

I thought you want a trigger being activated when BLUFOR enters that area (extraction point), you already placed that one I guess. So you just need to give it a name that you can use in 4).

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