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Out of memory error crash to desktop

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In the sling load tutorial, I am getting an out of memory error and toh crashes. I am running a beast of a computer- I7 extreme processor, Rampage iv motherboard, two amd 6990 gpu's in crossfire (quadfire) mode, 16 GB ram, windows 7 64 bit. I have tried running in non crossfire mode, changing practically all the settings in catalyst control center and trying arma 2 profiles, changing video memory options to very high and default, all with no luck. Any help with this would be appreciated greatly.

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Does it crash only when you are playing the sling load tutorial?

And if you want to practice in another way in sling loading you could just play the sling loading single player missions remembering to save it often. Or try the sling loading multiplayer mission. I know it isn't the best solution but whatever...

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