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Looking for a mentor: Alexander arms weapons addon ida

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I'm going to start off, before I get to what makes this mod idea so interesting, by admitting that I am 99% new to the addons creation process. I've ripped open .pbos before and played around with 3D models in blender and other programs, I've taken a look at the weapon config variables for ArmA 3, and I'm relatively knowledgable when it comes to computers and computer-work. I'm eager to learn, and this is planned to be as much of a cooperative work experience as a mentorship. I'm more interested in learning than getting to slap my name on an addon and releasing it to the internet. Obviously, whomever helps me will receive credit as well.

That being said, the mod I want to make (and the title is a work in progress) is the "Alexander Arms Addon" <--- see that alliteration? Yep, the 3A mod for A3!

For those of you who don't know, Alexander Arms is a company that is famous for AR15 modifications. Namely, and these are the rifles I'm interested in for the addon, they're the Alexander Arms Beowulf and Genghis, a .50 and 5.45 Russian rifle, respectively.

The reason I want these are simple:

1. The Beowulf would be an effective, lightweight alternative to tackling light-armored vehicles. The rifle, which (not counting ammo) weighs almost the same as a normal AR15, would (with some well-aimed shots) be able to disable a Hunter, civilian vehicle, or helicopter rotor. The drawback to the rifle being designed to fire .50 cal while keeping the dimensions of a .223/5.56 rifle, however, means that the Beowulf fires unnecked, straight rounds the length of a 5.56mm bullet. Due to the civilian-market orientation, the Beowulf is sold with the same magazines as the normal AR15, meaning it only has a capacity of 10-15 rounds. Obviously the military 2035 version would be more accomodating.

2. The Genghis is not only lighter than a MX rifle, it doesn't look like an ugly yellow block and fires 5.45 Russian, a bullet renown for its armor-piercing capability. We're talking similar, if not better, penetration than the 6.5mm Grendel (I don't know for a fact) in a much lighter package.

3. The weapons look and operate like very popular American rifles, and thusly come ready to attatch US/NATO-standard attachments.

4. Easy to modify preexisting free BI-released models.

So who wants to teach me to make a weapon addon, and then work with me to get these two weapons in game?

After that I'd also like to include some Russian revolvers that fire shotgun shells/slugs/frag rounds/penetrators/etc. The Russians make some scary revolvers.

The easiest and most responsive way to contact me is at IttyBitsby(at)gmail.com

I'm also on the DayZ forums under the same psuedonym, Applejaxc

Edited by Applejaxc
Included contact information

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If you're serious about this, your first start should be actually learning to create models, not just play about with them, you won't learn much from modifying other peoples work, save for maybe optimization techniques.

If Blender is your 3D Package of choice then you should definitely look up some tutorials on youtube, there's plenty.

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If you're serious about this, your first start should be actually learning to create models, not just play about with them, you won't learn much from modifying other peoples work, save for maybe optimization techniques.

If Blender is your 3D Package of choice then you should definitely look up some tutorials on youtube, there's plenty.

1: The model creation end isn't what I want to be concerned with at the moment. I have a friend that's great at the sort of thing. I have no preference for any 1 program; I'm inexperienced and unbiased enough I'll use whatever someone offering to help me is familiar with.

2: The reason I'm going here instead of youtube is because I'd rather have the ability to ask someone in Skype a direct question that google/youtube around and waste time finding the answer to a question I'm too inexperienced to phrase correctly.

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