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UH-80 - Is there an unarmed one?

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In large MP missions, the door-gunner seats can bug out and cause the gunners bodies to bounce into the main rotors.

Playing the beta, I faintly (perhaps incorrectly) remember an unarmed version of the UH-80.

Can't find it in the mission editor however.

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It can happen with any position, but it seems most common with crew positions (co-pilot, gunners). The same glitching happens with ground vehicles as well.

Here's the ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11987

Thank you for showing me the ticket.

I am well acquainted with the bug, to say the least. Have logged probably 300 hours behind the stick of Arma 3 aircraft in MP missions.

I have never seen it affect passengers or primary drivers/pilots, as you said only the crew positions.

I guess there is no vanilla UH-80 sans door guns.

Great aircraft and a pleasure to fly first person, if you can accept its weaknesses.

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I have never seen it affect passengers or primary drivers/pilots, as you said only the crew positions.

Correction on my part - I have not seen it happen with the primary pilot slot. On a few servers I play on regularly, the pilot will often take the co-pilot seat to prevent anyone else taking it - it seems if the co-pilot is the "owner", they don't glitch.

This problem can also make it difficult to work armor effectively - if your gunner is glitching, you can't see/hear the turret moving or the gun firing. One reason you see one-manning even on some realism servers.

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Correction on my part - I have not seen it happen with the primary pilot slot. On a few servers I play on regularly, the pilot will often take the co-pilot seat to prevent anyone else taking it - it seems if the co-pilot is the "owner", they don't glitch.

This problem can also make it difficult to work armor effectively - if your gunner is glitching, you can't see/hear the turret moving or the gun firing. One reason you see one-manning even on some realism servers.

Negative, I have seen many times a 'bugged out' co-pilot solo-flying an aircraft. Sometimes it is myself that is bugged out but still flying, learning this only after informed by others.

Re-tanks, you can actually get 3-4 people in the gunner seat when that happens.

It's almost as if the de-sync'ed player 'infects' the vehicle and then the vehicle (crew seats) themselves become desynced forever afterwards.

I've been a driver in an M2 tank that had 3 'bugged out' gunners simultaneously, all engaging different targets simultaneously and shooting at the same time. It was bizarre.

Then I drove them close to enemy infantry and the OPFOR infantry shot the 'bugged out' player bodies and they died.

Once the crew seats become bugged out, I have found the only way to fix the problem is destroy the vehicle and wait for respawn.

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Negative, I have seen many times a 'bugged out' co-pilot solo-flying an aircraft.

Welp, there goes that theory!

Your remarks on armor certainly fit my experience. I've been shot out of armor many times, even while one-manning.

Clearly this issue is much larger than just glitched helicopter crew positions.

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Ive had the awesome glitch of being in the Indo IFV, and it staying at the spawn, but in actuality we were driving around, had an Invisible IFV for over an hour in a PvP match with 45 people. It was glorious.

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