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Tips on getting specific vehicles into ArmA 3 from arma 2

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Past day I have been experimenting on getting just very specific vehicles from A2 to A3. So far Ive found I have to get everything en-mass and that is exactly what I don't want. Anyone know any way to do this? A tutorial perhaps?

Thank you.

P.S. I have been using the method of dragging everything from the addons folder from arma 2 into A3 and removing select files.

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You need to wait for the sample 3d models to come out. What you are trying to do is bad and illegal ;).


You have already those sample packages at your disposal: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Sample_Models.

What do you mean by "I have to get everything en-mass"?

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You need to wait for the sample 3d models to come out. What you are trying to do is bad and illegal ;).


You have already those sample packages at your disposal: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Sample_Models.

What do you mean by "I have to get everything en-mass"?

What ive done along with probably hundred other people is drag the "Addons" Folder from ArmA 2 into ArmA 3 as a mod. this basically ports over the entire game. Kinda like using the "All In ArmA" Mod. Didnt exactly realize its illegal so I should probably stop trying.

This is the tutorial I followed http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132663825#36651

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Sorry, I thought you wanted to release it as as a mod then (I was a bit tired when I read your message). I guess playing around with content you already have without redistributing it is fine.

It looks fishy to me that porting content brutally like this and witout modifying the configs is possible. I was not editing stuff at the time of arma 2 so I don't know much what differences there are between the two games and I can't really help.

Edited by super-truite

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Sorry, I thought you wanted to release it as as a mod then (I was a bit tired when I read your message). I guess playing around with content you already have without redistributing it is fine.

It look fishy to me that porting content brutally like this and witout modifying the configs is possible. I was not editing stuff at the time of arma 2 so I don't know much what differences there are between the two games and I can't really help.

If you want specific vehicles, you will have to open up the PBO that contains the model and config and pack the model into a new pbo with a new config.........BI have already stated though that the entire ArmA2 content library will be added to ArmA3 in the future....

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If you want specific vehicles, you will have to open up the PBO that contains the model and config and pack the model into a new pbo with a new config.........


This is not allowed without permissions.

Respect the authors, respect original ArmA2 content!

Use only mods like AiA which don't break open addons.

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