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Briefing Error Check

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I have a briefing.sqf for a mission I'm making. I have the briefing.sqf being called in the init.sqf file. I also created an empty briefing.html file in the mission folder, as was recommended here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?124786-Briefing-not-working

When I run the mission, I get the error:

'...t up and board either the <marker name="|#|fa18f">joint trainer</marker> or separat...'

Error missing ]

File C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PTW-105\mpmissions\F%2fA-18%20Training%20Mission.Altis\briefing.sqf,

line 12

Line 12 is:

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "1. Suit up and board either the <marker name="fa18f">joint trainer</marker> or separate <marker name="fa18e">single-seat trainers</marker><br /><br />2. Select your loadout through the Service Menu<br /><br />3. Taxi to runway 04 and prepare for take-off.  Be sure to exhibit proper ground speed and illumination procedures while taxiing.<br /><br />4. Take off and gain familiarity with the aircraft flight characteristics<br /><br />5. Engage the identified hostiles:<br />-<marker name="salt_range">Salt Flats</marker><br />-<marker name="town_range">Feres</marker><br />-<marker name="sea_range">Edessa Bay</marker><br /><br />6. (Optional) Return to <marker name="airfield">base</marker> to rearm, repair, and refuel"]];

Here is the complete briefing.sqf:

// Journal Entries

// Journal Entry Template
// player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Title 1", "We have an objective <marker name='mkrObj1'>here</marker> and one <marker name='mkrObj2'>there</marker>"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Notes", "Isn't whitespace awesome? <br /><br /><br />Yes it totally is!"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Signal", "You'll be hitting tarmac just after sundown.  There will be little ambient light that is sure to fade quickly.  Make the best of what you have.<br /><br />Being dark and all, you'll want to be sure to observe proper illumination procedures.  This means anti-collision and standard lights activated while on the ground.  Anti-collision and formation lights should be activated in the air.  Keep those runway lights off when engaging targets but on when you are taking off or landing.  Planes like these are mighty hard to see with no illumination.<br /><br />I guess the good thing about these night ops is that if you decide to ground your airframe, we'll see it for miles.  Godspeed out there."]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "1. Suit up and board either the <marker name="fa18f">joint trainer</marker> or separate <marker name="fa18e">single-seat trainers</marker><br /><br />2. Select your loadout through the Service Menu<br /><br />3. Taxi to runway 04 and prepare for take-off.  Be sure to exhibit proper ground speed and illumination procedures while taxiing.<br /><br />4. Take off and gain familiarity with the aircraft flight characteristics<br /><br />5. Engage the identified hostiles:<br />-<marker name="salt_range">Salt Flats</marker><br />-<marker name="town_range">Feres</marker><br />-<marker name="sea_range">Edessa Bay</marker><br /><br />6. (Optional) Return to <marker name="airfield">base</marker> to rearm, repair, and refuel"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation", "At 19:30 report to the airfield for flight training on the new F/A-18 jets that just came in.<br /><br />We will be deploying with these shortly, so I expect you will know these aircraft inside and out.<br /><br />Enjoy your dinner.<br /><br />Dismissed."]];

// Tasks

// Task Template
// tskExample1 = player createSimpleTask ["Task Title 1"];
// tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Task Message 1", "Task Title 1", "Task HUD Title 1"];
// tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1");

// Salt Flats - Task
tskClearSaltFlats = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Salt Flats"];
tskClearSaltFlats setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in the Salt Flats", "Clear Salt Flats", "Clear Salt Flats"];
tskClearSaltFlats setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "salt_range");

// Feres - Task
tskClearFeres = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Feres"];
tskClearFeres setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in Feres", "Clear Feres", "Clear Feres"];
tskClearFeres setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "town_range");

// Edessa Bay - Task
tskClearEdessaBay = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Edessa Bay"];
tskClearEdessaBay setSimpleTaskDescription ["Eliminate identified hostiles in Edessa Bay", "Clear Edessa Bay", "Clear Edessa Bay"];
tskClearEdessaBay setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "sea_range");

// Airbase - Task
tskRTB = player createSimpleTask ["Return to Base (Optional)"];
tskRTB setSimpleTaskDescription ["When needed, return to base to rearm, refuel, and repair.", "Return to Base (Optional)", "RTB"];
tskRTB setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "airfield");

Could I get another set of eyes to comb through my code.



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The marker names will either need double double quotes. "" "" or use single quotes inside double quotes "' "'

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Use either

<marker name=""mkrObj"">here</marker>


<marker name='mkrObj'>here</marker>

like shown in your own template:

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Title 1", "We have an objective <marker name='mkrObj1'>here</marker> and one <marker name='mkrObj2'>there</marker>"]];

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