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Radeon 8500, freezing every 5-10 seconds

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Operation Flashpoint (every version) freezes about every 10 seconds, is stays frozen for about 5 seconds at a time. Then it resumes to play just great. I it freezing constanly makes it very difficult to play since i always die. I have a Radeon 8500 and all the latest drivers and all the latest updates for Flahpoint. I have a 500Mhz machine and 384 ram. Does anyone know how to fix this? thanks.

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I had a friend that had the same issue with hi 8500...I think the fix involved the agp aperature size....

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Sorry to bring you this bad news, but you system is way underpowered to fuel the Radeon 8500 card. Same happened to me; had to udate from 600MHz PIII past 1000MHz (1700+ XP AMD) to get it running. All the more as OFP is a CPU hungry beast..... BTW at which graphic settings do you play; just curious?

In addition, I cannot believe you can play OFP reasonably on a 500MHz system. But maybe, I'm spoiled....

I cannot explain the specific problems you are experiencing, but a lot of troubles might arise from the combination of both a CPU intensive Radeon and CPU intensive game.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nierop @ Aug. 24 2002,21:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In addition, I cannot believe you can play OFP reasonably on a 500MHz system. But maybe, I'm spoiled....<span id='postcolor'>

I'm even more spoilt. sad.gif

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well heres a liitle more info that you may find interesting. I used to have Win 98 and the game would run just fine, I played on 1024x768 and the game ran smoooth. but then when I upgraded to XP this problem occured. i have no idea why.

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I'm the friend who Suchey spoke of smile.gif

I had this same problem after going to a new motherboard with dual AMD 2000+ MPs and 1G of ddr2100 and my old 8500.

My fix, which may or may not work for you, was setting the AGP aperature size in my motherboard's bios to 128M. This probably depends on the motherboard, and I'm sure your mileage will vary. If you're still getting the pauses, try 64M or 256M settings too. If all else fails, drop down to 2x AGP.

One other thing I highly recommend is getting the Rage3d Tweak program and understanding what the options are that's in it. It's at www.rage3d.com

Ati is getting pretty good about driver updates too, be sure to always use the latest ones. In fact, they released new beta drivers today. Might be worth a checkout..

As far as a 500mhz system not being able to play flashpoint, you may have some slowness, I dunno.. I can assure you though that cpu power isn't the cause of what you're experiencing now.

On a slightly related note, I got my Radeon 9700 pro on friday, and as I suspected would be the case, OFP is totally hosed on it. But that's for a different thread I guess sad.gif


1st of the 123rd Infantry (Redbull) Division

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