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showNotification custom pic

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The picture is there and working, the problem is, it's blue. The picture is originally yellow. So when I try to make it yellow (color[] = {1,1,.5,1};

) it turns green. Yellow and blue makes green.

Why is it Blue? Is this a texView problem? I've tried saving it just as channel R, channel B, channel G. Still becomes blue in game.

class CfgNotifications

class Tasksucceeded
	title = "TASK SUCCEEDED";
	iconPicture = "my.paa";
	description =  "%1";
//		color[] = {1,1,.5,1};
	duration = 7
	priority = 7;


if (side player == WEST) then {["Tasksucceeded",[]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;};

Edited by PlacidPaul

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I think you have to add the Alpha-Channel and delete it from the visible area of your picture.

Convert the pic to jpg.

Open it in GIMP or Photoshop

Add an Alpha Channel layer, you should now have a red overlay on the whole pic.

Mark the area of the picture which should be visible, and delete the Alpha Channel layer in this area.

Save the pic.

When you re-open it in TexView now, the pic should be properly displayed and be usable for your mission.

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If it's not the alpha-channel thing I think it's where you are setting the color. I think awhile back I ran into that issue and I stopped using the color on notifications and didn't have an issue, don't hold me to it though.

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  Tonic-_- said:
If it's not the alpha-channel thing I think it's where you are setting the color. I think awhile back I ran into that issue and I stopped using the color on notifications and didn't have an issue, don't hold me to it though.
Maybe i'm misunderstanding you, but if your talking about setting color like color[] = {1,1,1,1}? If you are, you can see above i've commented that out and it does not help.

@SwiftN7, thanks you for response, i'll give that a try and see what happens. Though i may giggle if i use something called GIMP :p

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Just in case you don't get it to work, upload the pic-file and I would be happy to help you out!

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  PlacidPaul said:
Though i may giggle if i use something called GIMP :p

Gimp is the best, out side of adobe products. Easily the best free image manipulator, nothing else comes close. I would recommend it.

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Ok, I did get this to work. I went back to the original and kept it 256x256, and was able to get it to work. I failed at my first attempt at this which lead me in the wrong direction. Thanks for the help swift, your questions on why I did that is what ended up fixing it. Plus thanks to you, I now have a gimp. :p

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  PlacidPaul said:
Ok, I did get this to work. I went back to the original and kept it 256x256, and was able to get it to work. I failed at my first attempt at this which lead me in the wrong direction. Thanks for the help swift, your questions on why I did that is what ended up fixing it. Plus thanks to you, I now have a gimp. :p

Glad to hear you solved it. Just to help others with the same problem, how did you do it now?

I assume you opened the picture in GIMP, resolution 256x256, added the Alpha channel, saved it as PNG, and could convert it to PAA with TexView?!

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  SwiftN7 said:
how did you do it now?
I wish I knew more about images to know exactly what the problem was. I try to explain.

My first attempt I used a 250x250 jpg image, converted to tga then paa, put it straight into game, it did not work. I then resized it to 40x40 (i guessed) on photobucket, converted to tga then paa, then it did work in game, but it was not its color, it was blue.

Then I tried to fix this 40x40 jpg, with alpha layer etc., tried many ways. Nothing worked.

After talking to swift, i decided to go back to square one. I then used a 250x250 png, it was actually not the same source. Converted it and works great. Even can change color, besides it default color.

Not sure any of that mess makes sense. But, hope this helps someone.

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Here is a good reference for creating PAA images.


ARMA 2 didn't enforce that format but ARMA 3 does.

It mainly floats around resolution sizes and bits, if the image isn't created with proper sizes it tends to not work in ARMA 3. (Pal2Pace is pretty much texView 2 just command line for straight conversion)

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