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Question about Comparments in Planes

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What is the expected behavior for compartments in planes? Doing this for the Tu-95 config... there are 2 gunner seats, 3 cargo, and of course the pilot.

Per the Biki, compartments allow seat switching between turrets:

"Only units sharing a compartment can switch seats"

In following the BIS configs, I put all the seats in Compartment1 like so:

driverCompartments = "Compartment1";

gunnerCompartments= "Compartment1"

cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1"};

As Pilot, I seem to be able to move to the gunner seat no problem. However I cannot switch BACK to the pilot seat. Is this simply a limitation of the Plane config or is there a trick to allowing movement between pilot and gunner seats?

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i always assumed it to be heirarchy thing , that Pilot is higher so oncce you go gunner he becomes commander and cant switchback

that is pure guess tho so dont quote me ,. just was my interpretaion

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No the hierarchy is managed via the proxyindex value. Compartments is how you configure the driver / gunner / commander / cargo to be able to switch positions (like being in a tank). The issue I'm observing is that once you switch away from the Driver seat, you cannot move back into it. The switch is a one-way move. Ditto for cargo seat - once you move to the Cargo position, you can't move back.

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well i meant in terms of ownership of the vehicle Rank , i recall you maybe F1 but when swithching there becomes 2 * F1 because you are leader group but pilot leader vehicle .

anyway thats my old guess work :)

there was another parmater i forget that said if cargoseat was swappable cant remember it now cargoseat or copilot or something {1,2,1,2} and array was switchable or not

also i saw this

class Seats


displayName = "Switching Seats";

description = "While in a vehicle, you can change your seat and role:%1%2Open the action menu %11.%1%2Select a different position.%1Usually you can choose from driver, commander and gunner. When in a vehicle, remember to use the optics %12. They differ for each role and can provide a***significant advantage.";

tip = "Some positions might not be available in certain vehicles. Switching is not available while in the air or in similar conditions.";

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