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Annihilation [NATO/DEVGRU]

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Announcing my first public released ArmA 3 COOP mission for up to 20 players.



The short version is, it's a dominiation like mission. But actually it doesn't have too much in common with domination. The AOs are handpicked and there are different mission types (like the sidemissions). Also the scale is much smaller (less vehicles, less units overall), this can be edited easily though. The missions are pretty fast-paced but you they can be played very tacticool too.

The server randomly picks a mission and a location and waits until you finish the mission. After two minutes you'll get the next mission until there are no missions left.

Currently there are only 6 mission types (e.g. search and destroy weapon cache, eliminate HVT, destroy mortars..) but I'm working on more mission types. As always feel free to contribute/add your own missions.

Ok, the mission became a CO20. With that said, it will still be playable with a low player count (forever, because that's the reason I made this mission). [..]

I'll stop working on the co6 version because it doesn't make any sense having two versions if the new co20 is still playable the same way as the co6.


  • High replayability because of high randomness
  • Optimized for performance - tweakable via mission parameters
  • 35 locations, 6 diffrent missions (more to come)
  • Random patrols
  • Reinforcements
  • highly customizable via parameters and even more per source edits


There are two versions of the mission. The NATO version only requires CBA but the DEVGRU version requires CBA and various unit addons by massi which I really highly recommend.

Those are:


African Conflict

Russian GRU/Spetsnaz

And those units need this awesome weapon pack, also by massi:

NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons


Version 0.3.4

.pbo NATO Version

.pbo DEVGRU Version

Balancing test version 0.3.4-balance

.pbo NATO Version

.pbo DEVGRU Version

Featurewise it's the same as 0.3.4 there are just some balancing tweaks I made and I'd like to know how you feel about them.

Version 0.1.2

deprecated CO6 .pbo NATO Version

deprecated CO6 .pbo DEVGRU Version

Armaholic mirror:

- Annihilation Co-20 (@)

You can download the mission sources from github:

Sources NATO version

Sources DEVGRU version

Old sources NATO version

Old sources DEVGRU version

I will be tagging the releases in git and master will contain my working directory. Maybe unstable sometimes but with hotfixes. ;)


Just an FYI: I'm in the process of completly rewriting the mission. Currently I'm building a USMC version on Takistan. This changes the dependencies for the mission. You'll need CBA, A3MP, CAF_AG and USMC_A3. I'll create a Altis version too as soon as I have the mission in a reasonable state again. Despite A3MP the dependencies are much more leightweight now. You can have a look at the work in progress over at GitHub. The mission is already in a playable state but there is still some functionality missing. But don't hesitate to try it out.


- performance optimizations to counter desync
- one new city location
- new reinforcement system (reinforcements spawn at closest active enemy outpost)
- fixed typo which crippled AFR rebel army
- new paramters:
   - overcast (rain)
   - enemy reinforcements
   - populate enemy outposts
   - enemy ambient patrols

- mortar mission hotfix
- hotfix for all missions (deletion of mission objects)
- updated VAS
- tpwcas chooses the appropriate mode now (SP/MP)
- following three changes to minimize desync potential:
   - using Farooq's revive by default now for better performance
   - changed the way ammoboxes at start are handled for less/no desync at start
   - custom vehicle respawn FSM. For now only respawn but no deserted delay are implemented

- fixed mission location selection using sometimes the same location twice
- fixed CSAR Pilot mission
- tweaked AI skill levels
- updated mission briefing (typos/fixes)
- made markers JIP compatible
- updated TPWCAS
- small performance improvement (unit, object deletion tweaks and less use of BIS_fnc_MP)

Older changelogs

- AI can be recruited now at the HEMTT
- teleport to the MHQ is now at the flag available
- ACRE compatibility improvements
- every squad leader now gets a long range radio
- fixed bug regarding infinite lives
- synced transport support to every group leader
- new paramter for VAS on the mobile respawn vehicle
- tweaked the way reinforcements act
- tweaked defend groups (units in group and group amount)

- moved base to northern airfield. AI is now able to drive out of base and it's easier for humans too.
- added mobile respawn vehicle (with the possibility to turn it off in the paramters)
- vehicles have now a adjustable respawn and deserted delay (new paramters)
- new mission "CSAR Pilot"
- 6 new locations (3 city, 3 land)
- recruited AI gets binoculars removed because they seem to get stuck with them sometimes
- adjusted script for adding the AN-PRC/152 (addItem instead of addWeapon)
- added helicopter transport support

- changed to CO20, [b]still playable with a low-player count[/b]
- new paramters for: enemy count, recruitment, revive, ammoboxes
- new way of spawning enemies and reinforcements (easier to change amount of enemies)
- added localization for tasks (currently: english, german)
- added localizations for diary entrys (currently: english, german)
- removed unarmed vehicles from the opfor, blufor and indfor vehicles array
- various small fixes

- moved base
- strechted the base a bit to have a lower object count per square meter and thus improve performance at base.

- moved recruit barracks closer to spawn
- kinda fixed the vec respawn issues
- removed one ghost hawk
- moved humming birds around a bit

Future plans:

  • more missions
  • more locations
  • usage of dynamic object compositions to make the missions visually more appealing
  • better AI recruitment and group managment
  • new vehicle respawn system

Known issues:

  • Desync issues - I'm currently spending all my time on finding and fixing any problems regarding performance/desync/freezes some of you are experiencing
    Please test the *-testing versions and give me feedback (rpt logs, mods used, paramters used, nato/devgru version, etc.)
  • If a player trys to rescue the pilot but is not the group leader the pilot will join the group but will not move, the group leader has to activate the action himself.
  • the disbanding of single units is not possible as of yet
  • if you die and respawn at the base (near the VAS box) most of the vehicles and all ammoboxes dissapear :Oo: I think it has something todo with the =BTC= respawn script.
  • if you JIP while the mortar mission is on you'll hear the mortar firing at base (not the impacts but the actual firing sounds, as if they were next to you) - maybe a engine bug?
  • script error shown after pressing respawn in the revive/death menu by =BTC=
  • script error shown when throwing a grenade at enemys if TPWCAS is activated
  • script error sometimes shown by CBA_fnc_searchNearby


This mission/source code is licensed under the

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.

More information: CC BY-SA 3.0

The license ONLY applies to the content created by me, lukrop. I DO NOT claim ownership of ANY of the included third party source code/content.

I am not responsible for any damage this mission does to you, your life, your Computer or anything else. Use at your own risk!


It's my first (public) release of a mission so bear with me on this one.

The idea for this mission came from an A2 mission called Takistan Force by Bon_Inf*.

I dissected and tweaked his A2 version for about 2 years just for me and a friend

and now with A3 I thought I have to give something back to this awesome community.

Thanks to the respective authors of all the awesome scripts/mods I'm using in this mission:


CBA - CBA Team

=BTC=_revive - =BTC= Giallustio

SLP_spawn - Nomadd

SHK_pos - Shuko

TAW_vd - Tonic

tpwcas - TPW && -Coulum- && fabrizio_T && Ollem

TPW EBS - tpw, mrflay, ollem

Big thanks to massi for his awesome units.

Thanks BIG for constantly updating and hosting this mission on Armaholic!

Since I'm hosting the sources of all those scripts on github, because I modified some of them slightly, please let me know if you as author of said script have a problem with that.

Feel free to contribute in whatever way suits you (reporting issues, writing scripts, porting etc.) If you have any source code changes/contributions just send me patches/pull requests on github. This makes my life easier. :)

Have fun with the mission and please provide feedback.

Cheers! :yay:


Edited by lukrop

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I just loved their mission. But I have a problem, I'm part of a Brazilian community, and would like to translate it, however when I make the following change, no effect arises.


_posArray = _this select 0;

_missionType = _this select 1;

_vecSpawnMarker = _posArray select 1;

_reinfMarkers = _posArray select 2;

_spawnMarkers = _posArray select 3;


_marker = _posArray select 0;

_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

_marker setMarkerAlpha 1;

_aocenter = getMarkerPos _marker;


_taskID = "killhvt";


west, // who gets the task

_taskID, // task id

["Recebemos informações sobre um oficial inimigo da area de ação. Seu objetivo é neutralizalo","Mate o oficial","Oficial"], // description, title, marker

_aocenter, // destination

"Assigned", // set as current / state

9 // priority

] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


_hvtPos = getMarkerPos (_spawnMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

_guardClass = ani_hvtGuardClass;

_hvtClass = ani_hvtClass;

_hvtGrp = createGroup east;

_hvtGrp createUnit [_guardClass, _hvtPos, [], 0, "FORM"];

ani_hvt = _hvtGrp createUnit [_hvtClass, _hvtPos, [], 0, "FORM"];

if((round random 5) >= 1) then {

_hvtGrp createUnit [_guardClass, _hvtPos, [], 0, "FORM"];


if((round random 5) >= 3) then {

_hvtGrp createUnit [_guardClass, _hvtPos, [], 0, "FORM"];


[_hvtGrp, _hvtGrp, 50, 6, "MOVE", "SAFE", "GREEN", "LIMITED", "STAG COLUMN"] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol;


// 2-3 patrols with 2-4 man 1 defend with 4-6 man

[_marker,[ani_enemySide,ani_enemyFaction,20],[_marker, 100],[2,[3,4]],[[0,1],1,false],[],[],["patrol_gc", 100]] spawn SLP_spawn;

sleep 5 + (random 5);

[_marker,[ani_enemySide,ani_enemyFaction,20],[ani_hvt, 10],[1,[4,5]],[],[],[],["defend_gc", 50]] spawn SLP_spawn;


_reinfSpawn = _reinfMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_reinfMarkers = _reinfMarkers - [_reinfSpawn];

_reinfSpawn2 = _reinfMarkers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

// 1 squad 10 man

[_marker,[ani_enemySide,ani_enemyFaction,10],[_reinfSpawn, 10],[1,[6,8]],[],[],[],["reinforcement_o_gc", ani_hvt]] spawn SLP_spawn;

sleep 5 + (random 5);

[_marker,[ani_enemySide,ani_enemyFaction,10],[_reinfSpawn2, 10],[1,[6,8]],[],[],[],["reinforcement_o_gc", ani_hvt]] spawn SLP_spawn;


ani_hvtKilled = false;

[_hvtPos, "STATE:", ["!alive ani_hvt", "ani_hvtKilled=true", ""]] call CBA_fnc_createTrigger;

waitUntil{sleep 0.1;ani_hvtKilled};

ani_missionState = "SUCCESS";

[_taskID, "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";

_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.3;

I need to move somewhere else? Why continue the task appearing in English.

PS: Keep your job, adding new things in the missions. Thank you.

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Does it work on other missions/tasks?

There was a problem wich I already fixed with the killhvt and the killhvtstatic missions because they both had the same _taskID but it shouldn't be a problem in 0.1.2. Make sure that the _taskID in killhvtstatic.sqf is diffrent than the one in killhvt.sqf.

Actually I have to look into all the localization stuff and how it's done correctly. :) After that you'll be very welcome to help translate it in your language.

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Thanks, that sove the problem here, because i don't see that. The missions is full in portuguese right now. Thanls Lukrop, that missions is really nice to play.

If u want some help to create another missions in this new module of game, u can count whit me. I really aprecieted, continue this good work.

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Ey Lukrop, how i modificated the enemy spawn ? Because i playing whit my friends but, enemy vehicles are no weapon (like ifrit whit no gun). How i modificated this for ifrid whit weapon?

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You need to remove "O_MRAP_02_F" from

 _vehicles = ["O_MRAP_02_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"];

in SLP\SLP_units_config.sqf (line 27).

Changed it in upstream too (github).

Thanks for the hint, I forgot that one.

This will maybe be obsolete soon because I think I'll write my own spawning script but for now you should be good to go.

Edited by lukrop

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Lukrop, can u help me in something ? I Want to do a task in ur missions, whit objective is shutdown 2 choppers. Can u pls help me ?

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Ok, the mission became a CO20. With that said, it will still be playable with a low player count (forever, because that's the reason I made this mission). I also added some new paramters, streamlined the spawning of the enemy AI and some more stuff. I'll write a complete changelog tomorrow.

I just tagged release 0.2.0 in git and pushed to github. You can have a look/download the mission sources there or you wait until tomorrow, when I release the .pbos after play-testing them tonight. ;)

NATO on github

DEVGRU on github

I'll stop working on the co6 version because it doesn't make any sense having two versions if the new co20 is still playable the same way as the co6.

Lukrop, can u help me in something ? I Want to do a task in ur missions, whit objective is shutdown 2 choppers. Can u pls help me ?

I already have something similar in mind, maybe you could just wait until I relase 0.2.1 :)

Edited by lukrop

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Released 0.2.0. Updated first post.

Feedback is desired! :)

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yeah, it's coming with 0.2.1 it just slipped into the 0.2.0 release. :D

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Heya Lukrop. Submarine here (aka "Citadel" from Steam, we spoke briefly).

So, I've been tinkering with your mission in the editor, and it seems that there are a handful of changes that I made which both I and my group really like. Might be worth looking into.

1.) We moved the NATO home base to the northern airfield (091.215). This makes getting in and out of base camp much easier for both players and the AI. Previously, the AI would seem to get stuck in camp while behind the wheel of a vehicle, and this simple move puts us in a more open area (no walls to get stuck on) and much closer to roads (which makes driving away easier). Additionally, it leaves us with an airstrip, should we decide to add some player-controlled fixed-wing assets later on. Seems like an all-around win.

2.) We added a mobile respawn vehicle (done through the BTK revive/respawn system you already use for the mission). This really makes things easier, as we can just hop back into the fight from right there (provided we brought the thing along). We use an unarmed Hunter for this.

3.) We added a virtual helo transport module, usable by any team leader. The ability to have the AI ferry a group around via helicopter is hugely helpful. Instead of having one player play "taxi" to an otherwise quiet battlefield, we can quickly traverse the large distances this mission sometimes has the player travel. Really great for small games of 3 or 4 players.

4.) We overhauled the vehicle respawn modules to include a lengthy (30 minute) "abandoned" timer to auto-respawn. We found ourselves sometimes abandoning disabled vehicles, and while we're good at "cleaning up" by destroying vehicles we can't recover with explosives, we sometimes "misplace" them, especially in urban battles. Having a way to eventually reclaim vehicles and aircraft is just plain old convenient.

5.) And this last one is still a WIP, but we're trying to add an AI recruiting function to the mobile respawn vehicle. I'm still tinkering with a "nearestObject" command to make it spawn the AI at the vehicle itself, but I've got proof-of-concept functionality (can respawn at the mobile HQ, but the AI still appears back at camp).

The only other thing we strongly STRONGLY recommend is that you get in touch with Massi and see about an official "Massi Modpack" or something like that. Standardizing the addon files for his work would make joining games running this mission much easier. As it is now, my friends and I simply pile all of his addons into a "@mas" folder, but not everyone else does, which makes joining servers kind of impossible.

What do you think?


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Heya Lukrop. Submarine here (aka "Citadel" from Steam, we spoke briefly).

So, I've been tinkering with your mission in the editor, and it seems that there are a handful of changes that I made which both I and my group really like. Might be worth looking into.

1.) We moved the NATO home base to the northern airfield (091.215). This makes getting in and out of base camp much easier for both players and the AI. Previously, the AI would seem to get stuck in camp while behind the wheel of a vehicle, and this simple move puts us in a more open area (no walls to get stuck on) and much closer to roads (which makes driving away easier). Additionally, it leaves us with an airstrip, should we decide to add some player-controlled fixed-wing assets later on. Seems like an all-around win.

I noticed that too. AI seems completly unable to move those hunters out of base. I'll have a look at moving the base. ;)

2.) We added a mobile respawn vehicle (done through the BTK revive/respawn system you already use for the mission). This really makes things easier, as we can just hop back into the fight from right there (provided we brought the thing along). We use an unarmed Hunter for this.

Sounds like an awesome idea, had that in mind too, just didn't do it yet.

3.) We added a virtual helo transport module, usable by any team leader. The ability to have the AI ferry a group around via helicopter is hugely helpful. Instead of having one player play "taxi" to an otherwise quiet battlefield, we can quickly traverse the large distances this mission sometimes has the player travel. Really great for small games of 3 or 4 players.

I had that in one of the first version I played with my friends but had some issues with it if the mission was running on a dedicated server. Somehow the person who called the chopper with the support menu got kicked out of the chopper as soon as he boarded the thing and is asked for the destination.

Did you get it to work with a dedicated server? IIRC I used the non-virtual transport support module maybe that's the reason.

4.) We overhauled the vehicle respawn modules to include a lengthy (30 minute) "abandoned" timer to auto-respawn. We found ourselves sometimes abandoning disabled vehicles, and while we're good at "cleaning up" by destroying vehicles we can't recover with explosives, we sometimes "misplace" them, especially in urban battles. Having a way to eventually reclaim vehicles and aircraft is just plain old convenient.

I noticed exact the same problem you are describing but sometimes our chopper got despawned and we had nothing to get back to base. Even with a lengthy abndoned timer of 30 minutes. I could add that maybe I find a way of having the timer adjustable per mission paramter so everyone is happy. :)

5.) And this last one is still a WIP, but we're trying to add an AI recruiting function to the mobile respawn vehicle. I'm still tinkering with a "nearestObject" command to make it spawn the AI at the vehicle itself, but I've got proof-of-concept functionality (can respawn at the mobile HQ, but the AI still appears back at camp).

As of now my script spawns the AI at the "recruitment_spawn" or "recruit_spawn" marker (don't remember the exact marker name now) which is right next to the flagpole at base. We could add a paramter to the recruitUnit.sqf which decides where to spawn the AI.

The only other thing we strongly STRONGLY recommend is that you get in touch with Massi and see about an official "Massi Modpack" or something like that. Standardizing the addon files for his work would make joining games running this mission much easier. As it is now, my friends and I simply pile all of his addons into a "@mas" folder, but not everyone else does, which makes joining servers kind of impossible.

What do you think?


Yeah, that's the reason why I made a NATO version, though I never play it. :D I'll try to get in touch with massi but I think it would be best if Sickboy(?) or anyone responsible for the mods in the SIX network would add his addons (completly). That would be the most "standardized" way I think.

Glad you guys enjoy the mission and thanks for the feedback! :)

BTW I just pushed a new mission to the git repository. It depends on many changes (new functions etc.) so I recommend to get the whole version from git or just wait for the next release (or if you feel like you want to go through the troubles, you can always try to merge it into your version :D).

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I had that in one of the first version I played with my friends but had some issues with it if the mission was running on a dedicated server. Somehow the person who called the chopper with the support menu got kicked out of the chopper as soon as he boarded the thing and is asked for the destination.

Did you get it to work with a dedicated server? IIRC I used the non-virtual transport support module maybe that's the reason.

Huh. That's wierd. I haven't experienced any issues like that. I'll look into it to see what's up. A non-virtual transport may be a work-around.

Thanks for your reply! I'll keep trying different things.


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Just uploaded an updated version (0.3.0)


- moved base to northern airfield. AI is now able to drive out of base and it's easier for humans too.
- added mobile respawn vehicle (with the possibility to turn it off in the paramters)
- vehicles have now a adjustable respawn and deserted delay (new paramters)
- new mission "CSAR Pilot"
- 6 new locations (3 city, 3 land)
- recruited AI gets binoculars removed because they seem to get stuck with them sometimes
- adjusted script for adding the AN-PRC/152 (addItem instead of addWeapon)
- added helicopter transport support

edit: BTW big thanks to Citadel for all the constructive feedback/input. ;)

Edited by lukrop

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Hey Loving the mission just one thought why is the Hunter the MHQ arma 2's equivalent to the hunter was the Humvee would it not make more sense to have it as either HEMMT or APC? Is it also possible to give the MHQ a VAS ammo box function?

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Hey Loving the mission just one thought why is the Hunter the MHQ arma 2's equivalent to the hunter was the Humvee would it not make more sense to have it as either HEMMT or APC?

There's no debating that if there were to be a real-world "Mobile Headquarters" type vehicle, it would be the monster-mover itself, the HEMMT. However, the original mission may very well be better served with a smaller vehicle like the Hunter for the time being. What do you think? It'd be an easy fix for a fan-edit, if it's going to throw sand into our gears.

Is it also possible to give the MHQ a VAS ammo box function?

I second that idea, perhaps as an option.

Also, Lukrop, nice work on 0.3.0. I'm just glad we've got folks like you who can make these missions from scratch.


P.S. Lukrop, got a bug report. Just jumped onto a random server hosting the mission, and they said they had a recurring problem.

v 0.2.0 (yep, they know its outdated)

Dedicated Server

Running DEVGRU version w/ a few additional mods (TPW, etc)

During "Destroy UAV" mission, they destroyed the UAV with an EXPLOSIVE SATCHEL (not an "explosive charge"), and the mission did not progress. Just kinda stuck on "destroy UAV." They claimed it happened twice during two different play-throughs of the mission. I was there for the second one, and saw it happen.

Also, they expressed love for the mission since it was, "not a resource hog like Domination".

Edited by Submarine_Sandwich
Fixed typo, added bug report

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Hey Loving the mission just one thought why is the Hunter the MHQ arma 2's equivalent to the hunter was the Humvee would it not make more sense to have it as either HEMMT or APC? Is it also possible to give the MHQ a VAS ammo box function?
There's no debating that if there were to be a real-world "Mobile Headquarters" type vehicle, it would be the monster-mover itself, the HEMMT. However, the original mission may very well be better served with a smaller vehicle like the Hunter for the time being. What do you think? It'd be an easy fix for a fan-edit, if it's going to throw sand into our gears.

^ This and also currently there are no unarmed APCs. I miss the stryker.. Anyway, as Citadel said, you can easily change it to whatever you like. :) Adding a VAS function should be no problem, I'll be adding that to the list for 0.3.1.

I second that idea, perhaps as an option.

Also, Lukrop, nice work on 0.3.0. I'm just glad we've got folks like you who can make these missions from scratch.


P.S. Lukrop, got a bug report. Just jumped onto a random server hosting the mission, and they said they had a recurring problem.

v 0.2.0 (yep, they know its outdated)

Dedicated Server

Running DEVGRU version w/ a few additional mods (TPW, etc)

During "Destroy UAV" mission, they destroyed the UAV with an EXPLOSIVE SATCHEL (not an "explosive charge"), and the mission did not progress. Just kinda stuck on "destroy UAV." They claimed it happened twice during two different play-throughs of the mission. I was there for the second one, and saw it happen.

Also, they expressed love for the mission since it was, "not a resource hog like Domination".

That's weird. Need to have a look at that. I already destroyed the UAV with a NLAW just because we couldn't get any closer and where under heavy fire. :D

Actually I don't recommend using TPW mods (for MP, great mods in SP that's for sure). I used them myself until I noticed that they cause all kinds of funny stuff and rather big desync. The thing is, after all, they are still SP mods. But tpw said he'll release multiplayer compatible versions someday if I'm not mistaken.

edit: Did the UAV explode?

Edited by lukrop

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Did the UAV explode?

Ho-hooooo yeah it did. We wrecked that lil' R2D2 son'biscuit.

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Hey there! I just released 0.3.1 with some improvements and fixes.

- AI can be recruited now at the HEMTT
- teleport to the MHQ is now at the flag available
- ACRE compatibility improvements
- every squad leader now gets a long range radio
- fixed bug regarding infinite lives
- synced transport support to every group leader
- new paramter for VAS on the mobile respawn vehicle
- tweaked the way reinforcements act
- tweaked defend groups (units in group and group amount)

Enjoy it and have a nice weekend!

Ho-hooooo yeah it did. We wrecked that lil' R2D2 son'biscuit.

Well, I couldn't reproduce the issue and if the thing exploded it's damage should be 1 and it's not "alive" anymore. Something could've effed up the trigger. I would need more details on their modpresets, maybe there are RPT errors and if the mission ran on a dedicated host or on a listen server.

Edited by lukrop

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