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Buildings should be available in editor

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ID values for certain world-objects should in my opinion be in the editor. Right now you have to use mods for it. Also, the game really needs some military objects. I am trying to create a Campaign and I have noticed that it (at least for me) boils down to the fact that there is no military objects except camo nets. ARMA 2 had much, much more.


1. A good amount of world-objects should be possible to place in the editor by default.

2. More military objects.

What do you think?

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You can display the ID's in the editor since ArmA 1?!? not sure since when but you are able.

There is a little button near the "fx" button. (not sure how it looks but it could even be just "ID's")

There are som fortifications in ArmA 3, i know that there are less Military things but with the fortifications you can already build decent bases.

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I expect the majority of the objects Cyper is looking for are warfare objects. And I agree. :)

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