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ArmA 2 OA Editor - Help - Empty Planes And Vehicles Not Spawning?!

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Hey guys I am trying to place some planes and vehicles inside a hangar but the planes and vehicles are not spawning if I use the "Empty" section in the add unit it only spawns them if I use a gamelogic. I found this script : _vehicle = createVehicle ["IAF_F16_CAP", getPos player, [], 20, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; It works great but It spawns the plane next to the player not in the position I wanted it and also I am unable to rotate the plane so that it sits in side the hangar in a certain way... could anybody help me figure out whats wrong??

Thanks in advance

Natan Brody

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Well, "getpos player" essentially tells the script to spawn it ontop of the player. Use a marker to mark the position of the hangar, and find out the proper direction by looking at your compass ingame. Then use (getmarkerpos "markerName") to get the plane to spawn there, and use setDir yourDirection (as a number), after you've spawned the plane, to get it in the right direction.

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Unfortunately it has not worked... the plane is still nowhere to be seen. Here is the script I used : _vehicle = createVehicle ["IAF_F16_CAP", getMarkerPos "m1", [], 0, "NONE"]; And I wrote this in the init of a gamelogic

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Wait - are you trying to add them in the editor or spawn them dynamically in-game?

To add "EMPTY" objects in the editor, you must have a "PLAYER" unit placed somewhere first.

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Yes I know I have tried adding the "EMPTY" object but they don't show up in game I can see them in the editor screen but when I go in game They are not there

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That's definitely not normal. Does this happen with any empty object, or just the IAF F16 that you are using?

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none of the vehicles and planes are appearing, but they appear when I use the code in the gamelogic, I just don't know how I can rotate them. And I am using this template I downloaded from armaholic:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13430 and I have placed the Airbase on the edge of the map where there is no grass or buildings so could that be the problem

Edited by NatanBrody

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I have placed the Airbase on the edge of the map where there is no grass or buildings so could that be the problem

I'd put money on it - working outside the bounds of the terrain proper can cause all sorts of problems.

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I have placed some vehicles in the centre of the map to see if they would spawn but they did not spawn, Could someone possibly write me a script that I can put into a gamelogic that would spawn a plane at the gamelogics location and let's me rotate the planeto whatever direction I want it

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Maybe it is the template you are using. Just because it is on armaholic does not mean it has no bugs or a completed working script. Try to spawn something without the template.

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It is because of the template I'm using so the only way it will work is with a script that someone could make for me because I suck at scripting

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The thing is, what other problems will this be causing? As it seems to break simple editor object placement, it could break your entire mission.

How are you using the template? Are you merging it with the island?

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To see if the template is broken at all, or if it's your ArmA2 installation, make a new mission in the editor. Place a player unit, and then press F1 again. Scroll down to the EMPTY tab and place a jet of your choice. Don't use game logics. It's not necessary even in your case, as the hangar isn't a sealed off building. Now, if the plane does not appear (take a standard plane, and use a standard island (Takistan for example) for this test), then something is wrong with your ArmA2 installation.

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It appears to be a problem with the template unfortunately... The vehicles are spawning on other maps without the template so... I would really like to use the Template so Is there any other way to spawn a plane using a script or something And I have copy and pasted all of the objects to another island

Edited by NatanBrody

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I just downloaded the template and required files, merged the template to a few maps, dropped some A-10s into hardened bunkers, and they all appear where they should when I preview.

Can you describe your process from the beginning, exactly?

Edited by Harzach

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Ok I donwloaded all of the files and then I opened the template and copied and pasted the whole template to another map, Tried to put down some empty planes and they are not showing up

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Ok I donwloaded all of the files and then I opened the template and copied and pasted the whole template to another map, Tried to put down some empty planes and they are not showing up

You need to merge, not copy/paste.

-- Open your target island (the one you want the airfield on) in the editor.

-- Click on "Merge"

-- Select the template mission under "Utes"

-- Profit


Edited by Harzach

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Did you get an error at the beginning saying that you were missing 2 files "fgs_rsp6",

"fgs_rsp6_2" Because I downloaded all of the files and I am missing these 2 files. If you have them could you send me them

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