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How to set repeat server messages

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I have a server that I want to set up a repeat message every 30 minutes with the address to my forum and other info how would I set this up? Also is it possible to change the colour of these messages in game so they stand out?

I'm new to this stuff so please be gentle.



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Why would people want to see that while they are playing a mission?

The server itself can send out messages at x intervals. Search for server and motd. There's also been a few threads about repeating messages, like the ones you saw when you started to make this topic or the ones listed below in the Similar Threads section.

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yes I understand that there are other threads etc and I have read some of them but I am kinda struggling as I am completely new to scripting/coding and don't want to mess it up.

And if they do not want to see it then they can put in a suggestion on the forum and it will be looked at etc.

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Hi Walshy

An idea for you if your interested, is to create a CRmessage script.

An edited mission my buddy and i play frequently on our gameserver, EvolutionBAFwPCPack.Takistan

has this script in it titled: CRmessage

in it is:

[West,"HQ"] sideChat "Welcome to WarMod Arma2CO server"
[West,"HQ"] sideChat "Press T / Task menu to: Call support, Recruit AI, Transfer Squads, and set viewdistance"
[West,"HQ"] sideChat "Check mission notes for info about the mission (Press M, go to Notes)"
[West,"HQ"] sideChat "T Assignments for high-reward sub-missions"
goto "start"

some of it I had edited but the message is more specific to the mission, but you could do the same thing if you wanted,

just include it with every mission you want a message seen.

I dont know where its initialized I haven't located it in the init script, or the description file, but it works ingame.

As kylania was pointing out to about the server messages which is called MOTD or message of the day, its done like this in the server.cfg

Message of the day. It can be several lines, separated by comma
empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
"Welcome to our Combined Ops Server",

// if motd has multiple lines, how fast to show these in succession (default is 5 seconds).

your message is basically:

"Welcome to our Combined Ops Server",

for multiple lines just put what you want into quotes.

then you want to adjust the motdInterval=1000 number which here is a 1000 which would equal seconds.

More info on server.cfg

hope that helps.

Edited by Günter Severloh

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Thanks for your help mate I really appreciate it and have now sorted it through Battleye BEC so I now have that running on my server and that is a whole new kettle of fish lol

Thank you very much for your help.


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