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I would like to ask a question about init.sqf

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Hello team,

I'm really sorry if I look lazy for asking a question on the forum but the truth is I have been up all night researching and reading guides and getting distracted by other cool things to do with arma. I have been attempting to learn as much as possible about scripting for the game as it is something I would much like to participate in as a hobby. But after a night of reading I feel more confused than ever.

I have had previous success with running some scripts with the help of a guide I found online and have got to the basics of making description.ext files etc but I can't figure out what the inint.sqf is. at first I assumed it was the initialization box in the game editor but it is clearly not. I have tried researching and I get drawn towards posts and tutorials for making mission briefing .sqf.

If someone can just clear up what exactly I am looking for as a init.sqf I can most probably find out the rest myself. (unless I am looking for the wrong thing all together)

Again I stress that I am not the type of person to ask a question on a forum right away without even attempting to find the answers out myself, I have honestly been trying to figure it out all night long and have got to the point where I can't think properly anymore, (like when revising all night for an exam and you head goes cloudy) and it is really annoying me.

Thanks in advance.

Good Vibes

Edited by thelog

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Someone can correct me or amplify, but it's used to initialize scripts and commands from the beginning of the mission.

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Yes, so i have made a file in the mission folder called init.sqf right and filled it with the script. That is what I am ment to do yes? Then it says about putting the second code in bellow the forst lot. Which I am doing but with no luck :(

Sad log :(

I will drop the link of the particular script.


thanks for replying.

Edited by thelog

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