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Units oblivious to firefights around them

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I have a base with several groups moving through waypoints. What happens is when an enemy fires on one of the groups, only that group reacts, while those 20 meters away continue on like nothing is happening, even when there's a full-on firefight.

I assume there is some way to put separate groups into the same loop so they react realistically.

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The borg spotting only works if the AI units are in the same group. Exception is the group-waypoint, where another group can call an assistance from other group(s). A script can accomplish this as well by revealing the already revealed units to all AI units. Too tired to write one right now, but I guess someone has already made one.

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Something like this may help.

WaitUntil { SomeCondition; };

While {True} Do
     {EnemyGroup reveal [_x, 1.7]} ForEach units MyGroup;
     Sleep 60;

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Try WW AICOVER. Units react to nearby combat sounds by seeking cover etc.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I used reveal, it's a bit clunky but it works sort of.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I used reveal, it's a bit clunky but it works sort of.

Make sure you use value higher than 1.5, so the AI will also be able to determine the side. Well according to the wiki anyhow. You can also combine this with a domove command to make the units move to the position of the player or group leader.

Here's a shitty example.

WaitUntil { SomeCondition; };

While {True} Do
     {EnemyGroup reveal [_x, 1.7]} ForEach units MyGroup;
     {_x DoMove GetPosATL (Leader MyGroup);} ForEach Units EnemyGroup;
     Sleep 60;

Edited by Pac Man

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