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Reaspawn and Loadout scripts not working (CODE INSIDE)

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Hello all,

I cannot get a loadout and respwan script to work correctly. I've had help to take it to this point, but we cant get it to fully work. I have troubleshooted some, and am stuck. I know it is something to do with Units 3-6 and something to do with the loadouts, as the Marksman loadout works absolutely fine, but none of the others do.

Can anyone help?

In the loadouts.sqf

Grenadier_Stuff ={

_unit = _this;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeAllAssigneditems _unit;

removeAllContainers _unit;

_unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_khk";

_unit addheadgear "H_HelmetSpecB";

_unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black";

_unit adduniform "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",5];

_muzzle = [_unit, "arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F", 9] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addmagazines ["3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell", 2];

_unit addmagazines ["3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", 4];

_muzzle = [_unit, "hgun_ACPC2_snds_F", 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addmagazines ["smokeshell", 4];

_unit addmagazines ["handgrenade", 5];

{_unit linkItem _x} forEach ["NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemRadio", "ItemWatch"];

_unit addweapon "Binocular";

_unit additem "optic_ACO_grn";


Marksman_Stuff ={

_unit = _this;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeAllAssigneditems _unit;

removeAllContainers _unit;

_unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_khk";

_unit addheadgear "H_HelmetSpecB";

_unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black";

_unit adduniform "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",5];

_muzzle = [_unit, "srifle_EBR_ARCO_pointer_snds_F", 11] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Nightstalker";

_muzzle = [_unit, "hgun_ACPC2_snds_F", 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addmagazines ["smokeshell", 4];

_unit addmagazines ["handgrenade", 5];

{_unit linkItem _x} forEach ["NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemRadio", "ItemWatch"];

_unit addweapon "Binocular";

_unit additem "optic_ACO_grn";


AutoRifleman_Stuff ={

_unit = _this;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeAllAssigneditems _unit;

removeAllContainers _unit;

_unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_khk";

_unit addheadgear "H_HelmetSpecB";

_unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black";

_unit adduniform "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",5];

_muzzle = [_unit, "arifle_MX_SW_Hamr_pointer_F", 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_muzzle = [_unit, "hgun_ACPC2_snds_F", 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addmagazines ["smokeshell", 4];

_unit addmagazines ["handgrenade", 5];

{_unit linkItem _x} forEach ["NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemRadio", "ItemWatch"];

_unit addweapon "Binocular";

_unit additem "optic_ACO_grn";


Medic_Stuff ={

_unit = _this;

removeAllWeapons _unit;

removeAllAssigneditems _unit;

removeAllContainers _unit;

_unit addvest "V_TacVest_khk";

_unit addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_khk";

_unit addheadgear "H_HelmetSpecB";

_unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black";

_unit adduniform "U_B_SpecopsUniform_sgg";

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["MediKit", 1];

(unitBackpack _unit) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit", 10];

_muzzle = [_unit, "arifle_MXC_ACO_pointer_F", 9] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_muzzle = [_unit, "hgun_ACPC2_snds_F", 3] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

_unit addmagazines ["smokeshell", 4];

_unit addmagazines ["handgrenade", 5];

{_unit linkItem _x} forEach ["NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "ItemRadio", "ItemWatch"];

_unit addweapon "Binocular";

_unit additem "optic_ACO_grn";


functionsLoaded = true;

In the init.sqf

[] execVM "loadouts.sqf";

waitUntil {!isNil "functionsLoaded"};

_loadout1 = unit1 call Marksman_Stuff;

_loadout2 = unit2 call Marksman_Stuff;

_loadout3 = unit3 call Medic_Stuff;

_loadout4 = unit4 call Grenadier_Stuff;

_loadout5 = unit5 call Grenadier_Stuff;

_loadout6 = unit6 call AutoRifleman_Stuff;

In each units init line in the editor

Unit 1+2 Marksmen: These two units work fine, both spawning with the custom loadout and respawning with the custom loadout. Works great.

this addMPEventhandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) call Marksman_Stuff}];

Unit3 Combat life saver: Doesn't spawn with the custom loadout and doesn't respawn with the custom loadout.

this addMPEventhandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) call Medic_Stuff}];

Unit4+5 Grenadiers: Doesn't spawn with the custom loadout and doesn't respawn with the custom loadout.

this addMPEventhandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) call Grenadier_Stuff}];

Unit 6 Autorifleman: Doesn't spawn with the custom loadout and doesn't respawn with the custom loadout.

this addMPEventhandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) call AutoRifleman_Stuff}];

I then save, then save as/export to MP mission, then quit editor, then load up MP mission on a LAN server.

The hint is whether they all spawn with silenced weapons, and the machine gunner has an MK200

Here is a link to the full mission folder, feel free to download (its 9mb) and see for yourself exactly what happens. Its actually a great mission with custom music, etc and I'm finished and ready for workshop as soon as I fix the bloody loadouts and respawning for units 3-6.


For ANYONE who fixes this t make it working I'll paypal £5 as a thanks, sorta like buying you a couple beers for the help.


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I know it is mate (this is the very helpful guy that's helped me this far). How can I host on a locally hosted server so I can see if it works my end?

Did you get it to also work when you followed my steps, ie exporting to MP mission and doing a LAN host like I did?

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Then we're both stumped, perhaps another can help? Its now isolated to units 3-6 not working....so whatever works for units 1-2 or whatever is different about their script is what the issue is I'm sure of it.

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have you tried

[] execVM "loadouts.sqf";

waitUntil {!isNil "functionsLoaded"};
waituntil {player ==player};
_loadout1 = unit1 call Marksman_Stuff;
_loadout2 = unit2 call Marksman_Stuff;
_loadout3 = unit3 call Medic_Stuff;
_loadout4 = unit4 call Grenadier_Stuff;
_loadout5 = unit5 call Grenadier_Stuff;
_loadout6 = unit6 call AutoRifleman_Stuff;

the wait until makes sure the player unit has initialised before calling the relevant script.

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It works fine on dedicated server, except the uniform.

When a player arrives, he is OK, but the others suddenly have no more uniform.

I know there is a problem with uniform as it is local instead of global, but i dont see how to avoid this.


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