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problems with saving mission in editor.

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So I am making MP missions, adding/changing etc... and now when I add "whatever", save and the editor saves the mission file into another file with same name but empty file other than mission. I have tried different things like renaming the file and other things but no success and am unable to update mission from previous save point. Any ideas?

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Never change the name of a mission within the editor. Always close the game, then change the name of the FOLDER. Then start the game up and reenter the Editor and now your mission will be named whatever you changed the folder to. If you change just the name in the editor it'll make a copy of your mission WITHOUT any of your scripts.

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Or you can copy everything from the old mission folder, with the exception of the mission.sqm, and then paste it into your new mission folder. That's what I do at certain points, in case I need to scrap things and take a few steps back. Once the mission is complete I either trash the old versions or I keep them around for mod/script testing purposes.

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ok thanks for the heads up. I will have to go try something else, up to this point, in 3 of the missions I have not all, only 3, whenever I go to save updated mission it cont's to just save a new folder file with mission only in script. weird and don't know how to change it.

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Has anyone experienced this? I continue to have problems saving my edited missions. Basically, what's happening is I will start a mission, add scripts etc... and save it, then at some random save time, it decides to "save" into a new file folder which only includes the mission file nothing else. So I end up with 2 file folders of the same mission and it does not let me save beyond that point. No matter what I add to the mission after that, the save feature no longer works.

Has anyone experienced this? Is there a fix? This is now happened to 4 straight missions that I have started. All one after the next, so its happening now with every mission. Should I change a setting? uninstall/reinstall?

This is really frustrating.

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Never seen that happen, sorry. Now, it does happen when you save with a different mission name, but never during the course of normal editing. If you're using the MP Editor that might happen when it saves on exit perhaps? Not sure, never use that editor.

When you say "save" do you mean in game saves or when you click the Save button in the editor, and are you using the Save As... button instead of just Save?

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Yea, this is when I use save button to save my progress into that mission prior to previewing it. Yea this is saving the same mission into another mission folder using the same name. It is weird and after doing 4 missions now it keeps doing it. I have used save as just to try something different and it doesn't seem to matter. I am using regular mission editor.

does the cfg.hpp from strider_color script change anything overall in the editor? It happened after I started trying to use that script. Its weird it affected all 4 missions, 2 of which I added it later in the making of the missions, 1 mission in the beginning and 1 mission not at all.

I suppose a uninstall reinstall may be in order huh?

Lastly, can that strider script to change color to black be any easier? I had to change the description file and add the strider script it to the already existing lines from other script, add the cfg file, both in which seem to change the missions already made, to start having save issues. that's the only things I can think off that were different compared to everything else I did to each mission folders. I then realized the description file I added originally deleted the prior stuff so I had to go back into the description file and cut/paste more, it seems may be there is where this started going south.

Edited by JAndrews1

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Hey. I believe I narrowed it down to the description.ext. I had a few things in that file so I had to start over. I am realizing you cannot continue to make changes in that file and expect good things. I have a few things in there such as, music, your strider_color file and some other junk. do you have any examples of how such a file should be set up? I assume there can only be 1 description file and it needs to be scripted just right.

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Yeah, if description.ext has a typo in it, your whole game will crash. It's scary. :)

Can you post what you have in your description.ext please?

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I play with a clan and they want me to stick with this, however I add/change if I wish. This is where I get into problems. I had added some music to another mission with no problems. However, I attempted to add your strider script and another song and got in trouble. I certainly dont need everything below the "do not edit below this line", however, I need to keep the logistics and revive always. In my personal missions for the clan I would like to use all black vehicles.'s and possibly add different intro music to have some fun. I am still running into the "save" problems but I keep using the "save as" to different names and it usually helps. I am finding once it turns on you, you only have a few options, at best. thanks in advance. learning by trial and error. got to love it.

author = "Andrews";

OnLoadName = "Template";

loadScreen = "JTFJ_Intro.paa";

onLoadMission = "SAVE AS ONLY!!";

OverviewPicture = "Heli1.jpg";

class Header


gameType = COOP;

minPlayers = 10;

maxPlayers = 40;


//===================== Do Not Edit Below

disabledAI = TRUE;

respawn = "BASE";

respawnDelay = 1;

#include "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_respawn.h"

class RscPicture


type = CT_STATIC;

idc = -1;

style = 48;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

font = "PuristaMedium"; //Typeface

sizeEx = 0;


class RscTitles


#include "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_Hud.h"


class CfgMusic



class Music1


name = "getDown";

Sound[] = {\Music\getDown.ogg, db+0, 1.0};


class Music2


name = "move";

Sound[] = {\Music\move.ogg, db+0, 1.0};


class Music3


name = "Radio1";

Sound[] = {\Music\Radio1.ogg, db+0, 1.0};


class Music4


name = "Radio2";

Sound[] = {\Music\Radio2.ogg, db+0, 1.0};


class Music5


name = "ZipKuff";

Sound[] = {\Music\ZipKuff.ogg, db+0, 1.0};



Here is a link to a dead mission I created. May be you can see whats wrong with it. I would greatly appreciate it.



Edited by JAndrews1

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Something similar happened to me: the cause of the problem was the name of the mission folder (too long).

Hope this will help you

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kylania please see my last post. it has the template description.ext and a dead mission I am unable to get up. Arma 3 ctd every time now. thanks

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