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Xbox360 Version still supported?

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i bought carrier command a few days ago and i didnt had a single update. is it normal? i saw so many patches for pc version but not a single update for xbox. do this game shares the same fate like supreme commander 2 , because this game has no xbox support too but the pc version has.

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Hi There,

If i recall correctly, Microsoft charges the devs for every patch they release for the 360. It is possible that they'll release one when they are finished patching the game.

At the current moment, I don't even know if they are still working on the PC patches anymore, but check back to the forums occasionally, to see.

I did buy the 360 version of the game myself to try out, but without the Deadly Islands mod, and the dev patches it doens't live up to the pc version.

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Short answer: No

Long answer: Soon - IE: Check back after a few years.

If you really want a patch, then wait till the game goes on sale for a few bucks and get the PC version on steam. The big annual steam x-mas sale is not far off.

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I know I may sound funny but I don't know the meaning of getting a patch. Can you please explain it? I read some information regarding it here but still need some explanation in very simple words.

Edited by AntonioDilo

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The PC version has been updated. If you want to play a patched version of the game any time soon, then you will have to get the PC version, because the 360 version will most likely not be patched. ( At least not in the foreseeable future.)

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