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The three types of content ArmA III is missing (In my opinion)

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In my opinion ArmA III falls short content-wise in three areas:

1) No planes (Especially Non-CAS planes...We finally have beautiful 3D clouds, but nothing to explore them)

2) No unique enough OPFOR with really distinctively different equipment

3) No military "doodads". Stuff thats easily forgotten, but appears in every modern conflict. (SAM sites, radar stations, bunkers...).

As a proof how important point 3) is I created a little "story" in the Screenshot thread, using only Non-CAS planes and ground objects. I know ArmA is supposed to be an Infantry simulator, but still you could create hundreds of missions and stories with those objects and planes!


So please BIS...Im absolutly ready to pay money for additional content via DLCs, but you have to talk to us. Give us a "roadmap" of what to expect. And please consider my list of content.

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So now every player should create a new thread to say what are the types of content we think is he/she missing in A3?

Aren't enough threads that cover all your requests? BTW why should BI consider your list and not all the suggestions that all the other players have made? :confused:

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So now every player should create a new thread to say what are the types of content we think is he/she missing in A3?

Aren't enough threads that cover all your requests? BTW why should BI consider your list and not all the suggestions that all the other players have made? :confused:

You are right, I think there were indeed enough threads saying that content is "missing". But these were full of flaming, general arguing, and hardly any constructive feedback.

Therefore lets get a bit constructive: You think content is missing? Allright, WHAT is missing? What should be the focus of the DLCs?

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Closing - please search before creating new threads, please use the thread MistyRonin suggested.

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