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The AI have a hardon for Wedge formation

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I do a (group this) setFormation "LINE"; in the init of the squad leader, and when I hit preview, all his dudes spawn in Wedge, and scramble to get in line formation.


Either there's a problem the Devs haven't worked out or I'm forgetting something...

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For each unit, there is an optional called 'special'. I assume that that is set to 'in formation'. Set it to 'none', then arrange the units in the editor in a line. That will make them spawn exactly where they are placed, instead of automatically changing the points to form the correct formation. You must arrange them correctly in the editor, or they will rearrange themselves to form a line in the correct order.

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when you put groups in editor, the default formation is WEDGE, the script in the init field will run after all the stuffs in the mission are initialize, so if you want them to start with line formation, use waypoint instead

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I dunno about the wedge formation, specifically (in TW games, that tends to be for cavalry units and cavalry units alone), but they probably will have formations of some sort, probably as a special ability.

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Just put one waypoint in front of the squad leader that has the line formation. Then the squad starts in that formation.

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