ShinShin 10 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) [/i][/color][/size] I Run my mission in the Single Player Editor with nothing loading (For faster loading purposes since I debug my codes through the Debug console). Time Consuming, I know! :plain: anyways, i'm finally stumped with this error here. Could anyone tell me what's going on please? Thanks for any help in Advance! :bounce3::D [size=3]So here's what i'm doing exactly... Load Mission In Editor then Select Preview:[/size] [size=2][b]A:[/b] [color="#FFA500"]Line entered into Debug Console[/color][/size] [code][] execVM "init_Objectives.sqf; ==================== B: Opening Arma 3 Logged Information Error in expression <X", "_newY", "_testPos"]; _newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error position: <+ (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error Generic error in expression File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90 ==================== So I'm stumped...:mad::confused::( My Scripts In Order by which the mission should/would execute them... 01: Init.sqf // =================================== // Mission Init // Credits: INDIANA // =================================== // Required before mission starts working center = createCenter East; townLocs = []; _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 100000]; _randomTownPos = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); townLocs = townLocs + (_randomTownPos); // Declare Island Locations Once (Saves on pointless loading times) // Execute Mission Scripts [] execVM "init_Objectives.sqf"; ==================== 02: init_Objectives.sqf // =================================== // Credits: INDIANA // =================================== handle_MainMission = [] execVM "Missions\mainMission.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone handle_MainMission}; // =================================== handle_SideMission = [] execVM "Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone handle_SideMission}; ==================== 03:mainMission.sqf // =============================== // Create Main Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoMainUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== private ["_mainAO","_random","_randomPos","_spawnGroupMain"]; // =================================== // C1: Create Main AO Position // =================================== mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", townLocs]; mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; mainMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; mainMkr setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; mainMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; mainMkr setMarkerSize [500,500]; mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr2", townLocs]; mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; mainMkr2 setMarkerText "Main Objective"; mainMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; mainMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; mainMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; mainMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // D1: Build Mission Objective Now // =============================== _mainAO = floor (random 3); switch (_mainAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; }; mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; [player, "taskMainMission", ["Eliminate Enemy Occupation", "Main Objective", "Area of Operation"], getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; //waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupMain == 0}; //["taskMainMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ==================== 04:getSide_Missions.sqf (This is the Scripts the Log Appears to be Pointing too. But I don't understand??) // =============================== // Randomized Side Missions // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== // A1: Check For Side Missions // Select Side Mission Type // ================================= //private ["_missionSelected"]; _missionSelected = floor (random 1) - 1; switch {_missionSelected} do { case 0: { [] execVM "Missions\sideMissions.sqf"; }; /*case 1: { [] execVM "missions\sideMission_armor"; }; */ }; ==================== 05:sideMissions.sqf // =============================== // Create Side Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoSideUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== private ["_sObj","_sMinDis","_sRndDis","_sRndDir","_sMkrPos","_sNewY","_sMkrPos","_sideAO","_random2","_randomPos2","_spawnGroupSide"]; // =============================== // Designate Side Mission Position // =============================== _sObj = (position mainMkr) this select 0; _sMinDis = 800; _sRndDis = _sMinDis + random 200; _sRndDir = random 360; _sMkrPos = [mainMkr]; // =============================== // Create Side Mission Marker(s) at designated position // =============================== sideMkr = createMarker ["sideMissionMkr", _sMkrPos]; sideMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; sideMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; sideMkr setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; sideMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; sideMkr setMarkerSize [150,150]; sideMkr2 = createMarker ["sideMissionMkr2", _sMkrPos]; sideMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; sideMkr2 setMarkerText "Side Mission"; sideMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; sideMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; sideMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; sideMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // B2: Get position and set Position + Check surface // =============================== _sideAO = floor (random 3); switch (_sideAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; }; }; }; sideMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; sideMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; [[player, "taskSideMission", ["Plan and Execute Side Mission", "Side Objective", "Side Mission"], getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; //waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupSide == 0}; //["taskSideMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ==================== Ohh and the rest of the spammed nonsense at the top of my log... Top Half Of Log: LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Edited September 25, 2013 by ShinShin To Update Current State of Scripts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
das attorney 858 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) Your code doesn't seem to refer to the markers correctly. This part: _mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerAlpha 0; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerSize [500,500]; _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerAlpha 0; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerText "Side Mission"; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerType "warning"; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerSize [1,1]; should be this: _mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _mainMkr setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; _mainMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mainMkr setMarkerSize [500,500]; _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr2 setMarkerText "Side Mission"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerType "warning"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; Then try altering your cases accordingly. (Might not need to do this next bit - try it with the amendment above first). From: _random = floor (random 2) + 5; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = [[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr"], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroup, [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr"], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroup);}; "mainMissionMkr" setMarkerAlpha 1; "mainMissionMkr2" setMarkerAlpha 1; To: _random = floor (random 2) + 5; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = [[getMarkerPos _mainMkr], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroup, [getMarkerPos _mainMkr], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroup);}; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; Also, you may need to declare the variables private at the start of the script so you don't corrupt variables and refer to anything out of scope. Put this at the top of the script. private ["_randomPos","_spawnGroup","_random","_towns","_randomTownPos","_mainMkr","_mainMkr2","_mainAO"]; Not tested but should work. I got exactly the same errors with bis_fnc_taskPatrol yesyerday on a different script I was working on. Turns out I was feeding it null positions. Edited September 24, 2013 by Das Attorney Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkaceKachna 52 Posted September 24, 2013 error is on this line: _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; should be: _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr2", _randomTownPos]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2826 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) I think you will find that it is your task patrol lines that is giving you the Generic Error. [_spawnGroup2, [getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr"], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; [getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr"] ends up looking like [[324,234,234]] On being passed to task patrol all it checks is that it is a array, which it is but it then passes it to findSafePosition FindSafePosition then tries to split this down into X/Y coords _posX = _pos select 0; _posY = _pos select 1; So x would be [324,234,234] and y will be undefined, when it tries to do some math on these variables X and Y it produces the error. _newx = [324,234,234] + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))) <- Generic error as you can not + to an array. [getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr"] is fine in the call to randomPos as it excepts multiple positions in an array and does a selectRandom on the array. A select Random of [[324,234,234]] is [324,234,234] leaving it with a proper position to work from. And as MEN-X says above you have miss named one of your markers mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr[color="#FF0000"]2[/color]", _randomTownPos]; Edited September 24, 2013 by Larrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) @Das Attorney Thanks for your help, that did alot for me man. @Men-X Oh shucks, didn't see that... My eyes get hard at seeing after spending hours on and off the script editor. Thanks for the heads-up! (FIXED!) @Larrow Alright, so I've went through the changes you guys suggested and It minimized most of the errors I was getting now. But either I'm really tired or I just plain don't get what you want me to do about that generic error? This is my current log for the arma3 rpt... ==================== Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Error in expression <X", "_newY", "_testPos"]; _newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error position: <+ (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error Generic error in expression File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90 I'm really freaking tired Edited September 24, 2013 by ShinShin (S.N.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2826 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) [_spawnGroup2, [getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr"], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; Should look like [_spawnGroup2, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; Sorry put the explanation forgot to put what the fix was lol. Edited September 24, 2013 by Larrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 24, 2013 @Larrow Ahhh! That would explain xD haha thanks man!So I did the fix, for now my log seems to be like this... any clue what this may be? Log/Rpt Disregard the top top half, I think it's irrelevant. control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not 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[a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not 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Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Error in expression <ndom 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error position: <_spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawngroup File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\mainMission_sieze.sqf, line 64 soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Error in expression <list = _this select 3}; if ((typeName _grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {d> Error position: <_grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {d> Error Undefined variable in expression: _grp File A3\functions_f\spawning\fn_taskPatrol.sqf, line 31 Error in expression <IA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissi> Error position: <_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissi> Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawngroupmain File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\mainMission_sieze.sqf, line 76 soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 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Larrow 2826 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) Error in expression <ndom 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error position: <_spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawngroup _spawnGroup is undefined as the variables you are passing the randomPos function are not what it requires. So a rubbish value is returned and your group does not get spawned. I presume this _randomPos = [[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr"], random 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; Is ment to be a random location of radius random 200 + 50 around the marker? RandomPos is ment to look like this _randomPos = [ [whitelist], [blacklist], {custom code} ] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; Where whitelist and blacklist are ment to be an array of [pos, radius] / OBJECT triggers / STRING "water" "ground" etc, any mixture of. So your code should look like _randomPos = [ [ [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 200) + 50] ] ] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; Although you are ment to be able to specifiy a string for position checking e.g "ground" "water" it does not work (in the whitelist) and is an error in BIS's function. If you need to check for these kind of things use the custom code param e.g [ [ [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 200) + 50] ], [], {!(surfaceIsWater _this)} ] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; Or use my function instead randomMapPos. Or use BIS_fnc_relPos to get your random position relative to the marker. _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 200) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; but it does not provide any surface checking. You could implement your own maybe something like _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 200) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; Which will make sure the position returned is not in water. _____________________________________ Error in expression <list = _this select 3}; if ((typeName _grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {d> Error position: <_grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {d> Error Undefined variable in expression: _grp File A3\functions_f\spawning\fn_taskPatrol.sqf, line 31 I think this is just caused by the last error above returning a rubbish value and so your group does not get created effecting taskPatrol. _____________________________________ Error in expression <IA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissi> Error position: <_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissi> Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawngroupmain File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\mainMission_sieze.sqf, line 76 _spawnGroupMain this is an undefined variable. This variable is not present in the code you shared in your previous posts, should this not be _spawnGroup ??? Everything thing else other than soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? are BIS errors, this error means you are trying to put stuff into the unit that it does not have the capacity to carry (all its containers are full). Although i do not see any code of yours adding stuff, so this maybe also be a BIS error for their default loadout for this unit type. Edited September 24, 2013 by Larrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkaceKachna 52 Posted September 24, 2013 Error in expression <ndom 200 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error position: <_spawnGroup allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits > Error Undefined variable in expression: _spawngroup File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\mainMission_sieze.sqf, line 64 Means that group didn't spawn properly. Some of the errors just innerhits from this. Problem, by my opinion, is that side center isn't created. Try adding this to beginning of the script: createCenter EAST; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 25, 2013 Okay, so I got all that stuff you guys mentioned fixed. Now my side objective is having trouble grabbing the position of the main objective in order to mark it's location in accordance to the main objectives location. I've played around with doing this to the line/syntax, but same error occurs, I guess im not understanding it. [color="#B22222"] _sObjX = (getMarkerPos _mainMkr) select 0; _sObjX = (getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr") select 0; etc etc;[/color] and yeah, tried different variations of that, and nothing. but the (getSide_Mission.sqf) scripts calls on a variable that is within a separate script (mainMission.sqf) LOG:(Errors are highlighted in Red) [color="#696969"]control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Error in expression <[/color] ================================================= [color="#B22222"]_sObjX = (getMarkerPos _mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (getMarkerP> Error position: <_mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (getMarkerP> Error Undefined variable in expression: _mainmkr File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf, line 29[/color] ================================================= [color="#696969"]control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueIsland]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueName]: Unexpected control type [4] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] control[CA_ValueNameScripted]: Unexpected control type [5] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d] LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d] Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?[/color] ================================================= [color="#B22222"]Error in expression <d"]; _sObjX = (position _mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (position _> Error position: <_mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (position _> Error Undefined variable in expression: _mainmkr File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf, line 29[/color] ================================================= [color="#B22222"]Error in expression <d"]; _sObjX = (position _mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (position _> Error position: <_mainMkr) select 0; _sObjY = (position _> Error Undefined variable in expression: _mainmkr File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\WorkInProgress.Altis\Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf, line 29[/color] ================================================= ALSO... I Updated the main post with my current state of the scripts. Sorry for any confusion when helping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted September 25, 2013 _sObjX = (position _mainMkr) select 0; That looks up the position of _mainMkr, but you never declare what that variable is before you try to use it in that script. In your main script you create a marker using the same local variable name, however getSide_Missions.sqf has absolutely no idea what the local variables from mainMission.sqf are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 25, 2013 (edited) _sObjX = (position _mainMkr) select 0; That looks up the position of _mainMkr, but you never declare what that variable is before you try to use it in that script. In your main script you create a marker using the same local variable name, however getSide_Missions.sqf has absolutely no idea what the local variables from mainMission.sqf are. So what are you suggesting I do about it? Declare the marker again in the getSide_Missions.sqf? _mainMkr = getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr"; Edited September 25, 2013 by ShinShin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted September 25, 2013 Your confusing indentations of your code make it impossible to read, but you'd need to pass that marker to the second script somehow. Either make it a variable or just call getSideMissions.sqf from within mainMission.sqf without the whole wait for thing from initObjectives.sqf. [_mainMkr] execVM "Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf"; Then within getSide_Missions.sqf: _mainMkr = _this select 0; ---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ---------- Here's your mainMission.sqf with proper indentation. Several parts were in the incorrect code blocks (marker alpha in the for loop instead of out of it) and the whole ending section was within the switch block but not a case block so probably wasn't even running. // =============================== // Create Main Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoMainUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== center = createCenter East; private ["_towns","_randomTownPos","_mainMkr","_mainMkr2","_mainAO","_random","_randomPos","_spawnGroupMain"]; // =============================== // B1: Collect and Set Island Locations // =============================== _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameVillage"], 100000]; _randomTownPos = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); // =================================== // C1: Create Main AO Position // =================================== _mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _mainMkr setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; _mainMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mainMkr setMarkerSize [500,500]; _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr2", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr2 setMarkerText "Main Objective"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // D1: Build Mission Objective Now // =============================== _mainAO = floor (random 3); switch (_mainAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; }; [player, "taskMainMission", ["Eliminate Enemy Occupation", "Main Objective", "Area of Operation"], getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupMain == 0}; ["taskMainMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 180; Why the sleep 180 at the end? The script is done at that point, what were you trying to delay? I also fixed your task create so that it didn't reuse the name of a marker as the task name and actually showed the player where to go. :) Also had it check for a valid completion by killing the units of the group rather than the group object itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2826 Posted September 25, 2013 while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; There is no need for both these option i showed you in there just replace the above with just this one line _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; As Kylania said you are using a local variable so side missions is not going to know what _mainMkr is , quick fix just change your _mainMkr to a global variable (remove the _). So then mainMkr will be a global variable available to all scripts. There are other problems with how you have set things out, Kylania has picked up on a few of them for you, the setMarkerAlpha could be put down with the set task as they are the same for all cases. As your waiting for your main mission to end before init does your side mission, your only ever going to get a side mission after you have already completed the main. (Unless this is what your actually going for?) Other things i would likely clean up is the towns locations, just do it once in your init there is no need to every time you create a main mission to re compile a list of locations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 25, 2013 (edited) Your confusing indentations of your code make it impossible to read, but you'd need to pass that marker to the second script somehow. Either make it a variable or just call getSideMissions.sqf from within mainMission.sqf without the whole wait for thing from initObjectives.sqf. [_mainMkr] execVM "Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf"; Then within getSide_Missions.sqf: _mainMkr = _this select 0; ---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ---------- Here's your mainMission.sqf with proper indentation. Several parts were in the incorrect code blocks (marker alpha in the for loop instead of out of it) and the whole ending section was within the switch block but not a case block so probably wasn't even running. // =============================== // Create Main Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoMainUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== center = createCenter East; private ["_towns","_randomTownPos","_mainMkr","_mainMkr2","_mainAO","_random","_randomPos","_spawnGroupMain"]; // =============================== // B1: Collect and Set Island Locations // =============================== _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameVillage"], 100000]; _randomTownPos = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); // =================================== // C1: Create Main AO Position // =================================== _mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _mainMkr setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; _mainMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _mainMkr setMarkerSize [500,500]; _mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr2", _randomTownPos]; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; _mainMkr2 setMarkerText "Main Objective"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mainMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // D1: Build Mission Objective Now // =============================== _mainAO = floor (random 3); switch (_mainAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; _mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; _mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; }; }; [player, "taskMainMission", ["Eliminate Enemy Occupation", "Main Objective", "Area of Operation"], getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupMain == 0}; ["taskMainMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 180; Why the sleep 180 at the end? The script is done at that point, what were you trying to delay? I also fixed your task create so that it didn't reuse the name of a marker as the task name and actually showed the player where to go. :) Also had it check for a valid completion by killing the units of the group rather than the group object itself. Shit man, Thanks! that saved me a lot of time and scripting. Now i'll have to make those changes to the sideMissions.sqf ---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 AM ---------- while {true} do { _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (! (surfaceIsWater _randomPos)) exitWith {}; }; [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _randomPos)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; There is no need for both these option i showed you in there just replace the above with just this one line _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}]call BIS_fnc_randomPos; As Kylania said you are using a local variable so side missions is not going to know what _mainMkr is , quick fix just change your _mainMkr to a global variable (remove the _). So then mainMkr will be a global variable available to all scripts. There are other problems with how you have set things out, Kylania has picked up on a few of them for you, the setMarkerAlpha could be put down with the set task as they are the same for all cases. As your waiting for your main mission to end before init does your side mission, your only ever going to get a side mission after you have already completed the main. (Unless this is what your actually going for?) Other things i would likely clean up is the towns locations, just do it once in your init there is no need to every time you create a main mission to re compile a list of locations. Your advice is true, I will change the town positions so that they are set once in a script for all to use. as for the side mission question, my goal is to have a side mission available about 3 to 5 minutes after the main objective is set in place? Edited September 25, 2013 by ShinShin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 25, 2013 (edited) I updated the scripts so refer back to the main post to see where I'm at with things. Now with that being said, Quote from previous post... my goal is to have a side mission available about 3 to 5 minutes after the main objective is set in placeI need help getting my Side Mission made about 800m to 1000m from the Main Mission Objective as well as getting the side Mission markers set as the side Missions position before hand. Basicly the starting point of generating the side mission. I can't figure it out, been up all night fiddling around and searching for alternative ways, but I'm tired now and finally decided to ask for help on it.(S.N.) Also, after the main objective is complete, I wish for It to run again and generate another main objective but NOT create another side mission until the current one is completed. and when the current side mission is complete, It too should then generate another side mission for the players. Thanks in advance.. Scripts working with to accomplish thee above statement mainMission.sqf --> getSide_mission.sqf --> sideMissions.sqf Edited September 25, 2013 by ShinShin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinShin 10 Posted September 26, 2013 BUMP Anyone? How could I do this ^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larrow 2826 Posted September 26, 2013 I need help getting my Side Mission made about 800m to 1000m from the Main Mission Objective Or use BIS_fnc_relPos to get your random position relative to the marker.Code: _randomPos = [getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 200) + 50, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; I explained to you in a previous post how to get a position for your markers a relative distance and direction from another position. Also, after the main objective is complete, I wish for It to run again and generate another main objective but NOT create another side mission until the current one is completed. and when the current side mission is complete, It too should then generate another side mission for the players.Just put your code that calls your mission creation in a loop with a sleep of how ever long you want.From your init start a loop that calls your create main mission, then a Kylania suggested from there once the main mission is completed call your side mission (if one does not already exist) else processing just goes back to your init where it sleeps for 3-5 mins then starts the loop again calling create main mission. init.sqf createMainMission = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mainMission.sqf"; createSideMission = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "getSide_mission.sqf"; sidemission = false; while {true} do { [] call createMainMission; sleep ((random 2) +3); }; MainMission.sqf //setup my mission waitUntil {missionDone}; if (!sideMission) then { [mainMissionPos] spawn createSideMission; }; getSide_mission.sqf sideMission = true; sideMissionPos = [(_this select 0), (random 200) + 800, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos //setup my side mission waituntil {sideMissionDone}; sideMission = false; The above is not for C&P but to give you an idea of mission flow to work from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites