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Object falling and Texture not found

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I'm new to modelling for ArmA 3. I have all the tools and read/watched tutorials on how everything works.

So far I've created my object in blender and textured it. I exported it and opened the p3d in O2 to add all the LOD's.

In game, collision with bullets and player's works just fine. It stands up correctly so I know the LandContact LOD is perfect.

I do have a problem though:

It tells me that it can't find the only texture applied to it: plywood_co.paa. (Warning Message: Cannot load texture custom/plywood_co.paa).

Also, I want to make it so the object can't fall over when shot. I am also making it so the user can use attachTo to move the object around. Once I detach the object from the player, the object falls over if the player is moving. Is there a way to prevent this?

In summary, I need help figuring out why the addon cannot find plywood_co.paa even though it is there. I also need help preventing the object from falling over.

Thank you!

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Scratch that. I managed to fix it so that it finds the file. But, a new problem has popped up. When I spawn the object and stand in it's shadow, the object appears slightly transparent. I can see the occlusion of the objects and shapes behind it. I also am still having the problem with it falling over.

Is there anyone there to help out?

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