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A good review and cpu/gpu benchmark by Tech Spot.

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Read your final words quote. I don't think they're very familiar with the franchise at all. Arma3 is GPU intensive? They recommend using SLI or crossfire? Also saying you should especially overclock if you have an i5? i5 have good mhz on each core already compared to a host of i7s. If anything you need to overclock the more lavish cpus that have many lower mhz cores. LOL

I'm not a computer guru, but I know the game doesn't utilize the hyperthreading stuff very well.

Edited by David77

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Especially this:

" ... a 20km view distance ..." sounds very interesting, lets try it out :rolleyes:

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Especially this:

" ... a 20km view distance ..." sounds very interesting, lets try it out :rolleyes:

well fred some of us have no problem with 20km...in fact it works out quite well for me....in between waiting for frames to render i can...walk the dog , do the dishs , go on a beer run.... ;)

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Especially this:

" ... a 20km view distance ..." sounds very interesting, lets try it out :rolleyes:

There is no need for a 20km view distance in the game but anyway I tried it and it performs better than Arma2OA.

In Arma2OA with VD at 10km I got around 25 fps in Chernarus and 50 in Takistan all settings max. In Arma 3 with VD at 20km I got around 35 fps flying across Altis all settings max, object distance at 5km. All tests was just a plane flying across the map at 1500 height in editor.

Arma3 seems to run better than Arma2OA.

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... i just now tried it too, 12000m viewdistance, 5000m object distance, at 1500m height, ~25fps, really not bad ...

To be honest, i am suprised. I didnt expect that the height has that great effect.

BTW: Altis looks really nice at this height, with that viewdistance :o

There is no need for a 20km view distance in the game but anyway I tried it and it performs better than Arma2OA.

In Arma2OA with VD at 10km I got around 25 fps in Chernarus and 50 in Takistan all settings max. In Arma 3 with VD at 20km I got around 35 fps flying across Altis all settings max, object distance at 5km. All tests was just a plane flying across the map at 1500 height in editor.

Arma3 seems to run better than Arma2OA.

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The draw distances on ultra are unlike anything we've seen before and the crazy part is that they can be increased much further if you have that kind of GPU power on tap. It's impressive to watch a detailed landscape form in the distance and then remain consistent without random things popping in or out of view -- something we've experienced when playing plenty of games, including Battlefield 3.

This is just false.

It´s actually very easy to test if it´s the GPU that´s in charge of view distance.

Like choosing everything graphical on standard then to ultra, about 1fps in difference for me.

Increase view distance by a smidge and all hell breaks loose. It´s pure CPU power.

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... i just now tried it too, 12000m viewdistance, 5000m object distance, at 1500m height, ~25fps, really not bad ...

To be honest, i am suprised. I didnt expect that the height has that great effect.

BTW: Altis looks really nice at this height, with that viewdistance :o

You can set view distance to 20000 or more in your .Arma3Profile if you want to give it a try.

And it's not height that has big impact it's just that there are less objects in lower detail because you are too far from them.

Setting object distance to 500 I get 50fps.

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Yes, it will be the lower LOD of objects and textures, which causes that significant effect of the height.

But are you sure, that the viewdistance is not truncated to 12000, like in editor?

You can set view distance to 20000 or more in your .Arma3Profile if you want to give it a try.

And it's not height that has big impact it's just that there are less objects in lower detail because you are too far from them.

Setting object distance to 500 I get 50fps.

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Yes, it will be the lower LOD of objects and textures, which causes that significant effect of the height.

But are you sure, that the viewdistance is not truncated to 12000, like in editor?

It's not truncated. While you are in the air open video options and you will see it's at 20000, if you move the slider it will go to 12000 and you will immediately see the fog closing in. Cancel and it will move further back. Don't click ok or you will have to edit your arma3profile again.

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