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Area Capture Script not working for JIP

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Hello my script doesn't work for people who JIP. It works for people who join the game at the start.

In the editor, I have a trigger set to activate by anyone and fire only once. In the trigger's activation field I have

sp1 = [trigger1,"marker1"] spawn triggerLogic1;

This is accompanied by a marker to show where the capture area is.

Here is the init file

if(isDedicated or isServer)then
execVM "captureFunctions.sqf";


triggerLogic1 =
hint "triggerLogic1 spawned";
sleep 3;
_trigger = _this select 0; //The trigger in the editor
_marker = _this select 1; //The Marker in the editor
_timerWest = 0; //Starts the timer at 0
_timerEast = 0;
_timerResistance = 0;
_timerLimit = 30; //Amount of time needed to capture the area
_currentOwner = "civ";//The default owner
	sleep 1;
	_unitArray = list _trigger; //Get a list of all players in the trigger area then split them according to their side
	_westCount = west countSide _unitArray;
	_eastCount = east countSide _unitArray;
	_resistanceCount = resistance countSide _unitArray;
	waitUntil{(_westCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "west")) || 
			  (_eastCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "east")) ||
			  (_resistanceCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "resistance"))
			};//Pauses the loop until someone who can capture the area has entered i.e not someone who currently owns it

	if(_currentOwner != "west")then{
		if(_westCount > _eastCount && _westCount > _resistanceCount)then{_timerWest = _timerWest + 1;}; //Check which side has the most players in the area and increase their capture progress
	if(_currentOwner != "east")then{						
		if(_eastCount > _westCount && _eastCount > _resistanceCount)then{_timerEast = _timerEast + 1;};
	if(_currentOwner != "resistance")then{
		if(_resistanceCount > _westCount && _resistanceCount > _eastCount)then{_timerResistance = _timerResistance + 1;};

	if(_timerWest == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "west";};//Once the capture progress reaches the limit, the area now becomes theirs.
	if(_timerEast == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "east";};
	if(_timerResistance == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "resistance";};
	hint format ["West Count:%1 East Count: %2 Resistance Count: %3 \nWest Timer: %4 East Timer: %5 Resistance Timer: %6 \nCurrent Owner: %7",_westCount,_eastCount,_resistanceCount,_timerWest,_timerEast,_timerResistance,_currentOwner];


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Ok, I think I've found the problem.

I have an idea but I need someone to tell me how to broadcast those hint messages in my script to the clients, as of now they run on the server, which isn't very useful as I can't see them.

Any idea how? Thanks

Edited by chaoticgood

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The problem is your waitUntil, your script gets stuck here because the trigger list is never getting re-evaluated so the count of anything in the trigger never changes.

Quick fix including hint via public variable.


if ( isServer ) then {
execVM "captureFunctions.sqf";

if ( !isDedicated ) then {
waitUntil{!isNull player};
"hstring" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	hint (_this select 1);



triggerLogic1 =
   hint "triggerLogic1 spawned";
   sleep 3;
   _trigger = _this select 0; //The trigger in the editor
   _marker = _this select 1; //The Marker in the editor
   _timerWest = 0; //Starts the timer at 0
   _timerEast = 0;
   _timerResistance = 0;
   _timerLimit = 30; //Amount of time needed to capture the area
   _currentOwner = "civ";//The default owner
   _westCount = 0;
   _eastCount = 0;
   _resistanceCount = 0;
   while {true} do {
       sleep 1;
       _unitArray = list _trigger; //Get a list of all players in the trigger area then split them according to their side
       _westCount = west countSide _unitArray;
       _eastCount = east countSide _unitArray;
       _resistanceCount = resistance countSide _unitArray;
       hstring = "waiting";
       publicVariable "hstring";
       ( _westCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "west")) ||
       (_eastCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "east")) ||
       (_resistanceCount >=1 && !(_currentOwner == "resistance"))
     };//Pauses the loop until someone who can capture the area has entered i.e not someone who currently owns it

       if(_currentOwner != "west")then{
           if(_westCount > _eastCount && _westCount > _resistanceCount)then{_timerWest = _timerWest + 1;}; //Check which side has the most players in the area and increase their capture progress
       if(_currentOwner != "east")then{
           if(_eastCount > _westCount && _eastCount > _resistanceCount)then{_timerEast = _timerEast + 1;};
       if(_currentOwner != "resistance")then{
           if(_resistanceCount > _westCount && _resistanceCount > _eastCount)then{_timerResistance = _timerResistance + 1;};

       if(_timerWest == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "west";};//Once the capture progress reaches the limit, the area now becomes theirs.
       if(_timerEast == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "east";};
       if(_timerResistance == _timerLimit)then{_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";_timerWest = 0;_timerEast = 0;_timerResistance = 0;_currentOwner = "resistance";};
       hstring = format ["West Count:%1\n East Count: %2\n Resistance Count: %3\n \nWest Timer: %4\n East Timer: %5\n Resistance Timer: %6\n \nCurrent Owner: %7",_westCount,_eastCount,_resistanceCount,_timerWest,_timerEast,_timerResistance,_currentOwner];
       publicVariable "hstring";


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