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Arma 3 Suggestions - Altis - Effects volume differentiation - Please read.

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This can be moved to a more appropriate section so at any time please do so. My main hope is that someone can direct me to an active thread where mods / admins are reading and can take notes from user suggestions and issues.

1.) Altis - (I didn't explain or suggest anything, I should not have to.)

2.) Audio Sound Effect Differentiation - (what do I mean? The ability to turn down the sound of vehicles, but not ambient or other noises that might otherwise go unheard due to the sound of the engine. This removes a lot of realism and I'm sure a mod will come around eventually but it's bothered me for ages. I'm using a decent headset surround and if I were to play on max volume the sound of an engine starting up near me would burst my ear drum and completely nullify background noise that's essential for making decisions in combat. Another option would be to tone down the max volume of vehicles.

5.) Also a friend and I were talking and he mentioned the naming of all the weapons, like how for example they couldn't have just ported in M4's, FN Fals, basically all worthwhile (most of it is) content of Arma / Arma 2 / OA / ToH / w/e! Did they need licenses to use the names and models to begin with? Do they need to do it again to use them in Arma 3? Can they not get licenses for real world weapons that exist right now and use them in Arma 3? If none of you understand where I'm getting at, none of the weapons have real names for the most part like the MLRS is a Patriot Launching System for one..there are countless other things.

4.) I just hit a tree in a jet, it landed in a basketball court. Undamaged. How? >_<.

I really, really, really someone see's this and someone up there are BI decides to say fudge, I'll do it and just bring up an AV-8B with the Mark 82's up to Arma 3 standards, throw in some eurofighters, give me a darn Enfield! Bring all Arma / 2 / OA AI up to Arma 3 standards.

Thank you for your time.

- Bishop

Edited by Deadfast
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I'm with you on: 2.) Audio Sound Effect Differentiation,

Would it be ok to maunually adjust the sound files? Or would this be considered hacking?

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Please don't use larger than normal font for the majority of your posts. It is against the forum rules as well as rather annoying.

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No to #2. Volumes of sounds should be consistent across the board for realism sake. Also it could be used to get advantages in game if for instance I turn down engine sounds so I can hear people moving around me or talking around me more easily. If I am standing next to a loud vehicle, my ability to hear other things should be impacted.

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No to #2. Volumes of sounds should be consistent across the board for realism sake. Also it could be used to get advantages in game if for instance I turn down engine sounds so I can hear people moving around me or talking around me more easily. If I am standing next to a loud vehicle, my ability to hear other things should be impacted.

Lev , I agree, That would be a type of cheating, ok my reasons for wanting to dig up audio files and and change the sounds manually is the disgusting breathing noises flogged unto the woeful 1rst person infantry user. Enough to make My GF think I am watching male porn. (unfortunately not joking either :( )

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Lev , I agree, That would be a type of cheating, ok my reasons for wanting to dig up audio files and and change the sounds manually is the disgusting breathing noises flogged unto the woeful 1rst person infantry user. Enough to make My GF think I am watching male porn. (unfortunately not joking either :( )

Well I think Bohemia did breathing louder to make it a some kind of feedback on current stamina. Without it many people would be like 'wtf y u no sprint'. Especially that some turn their pp effects off.

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